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Showing posts sorted by date for query Caroline Deverill. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday, 9 March 2019

Mamma Mia, Novello Theatre | Review

Mamma Mia
Novello Theatre
Reviewed on Wednesday 6th March 2019 by Olivia Mitchell

It's a cult classic, it's summery fun, it's the music of ABBA and altogether it's a great night out. It's never going to be the most theatrically enthralling or deeply emotive piece of theatre but Mamma Mia is a boat load of laughs and a perfect carefree way to spend a couple of hours.

In case you've somehow missed it, Mamma Mia is set on a Greek Island where Donna Sheridan lives with her daughter Sophie, who is getting married to ex-banker Sky. Sophie is on a mission to find her dad so invites her three potential fathers to her wedding. What ensues is a journey where past emotions are brought up, and the importance of family is examined and everyone bops out to a bit of ABBA. When it opened in 1999 in London, very few would have imagined the worldwide success of the Mamma Mia franchise and it seems that this success is in safe hands with the current West End cast who are helping it celebrate it's 20th Anniversary.

Having recently taken over the role, Charlotte O'Rourke is super sweet is Sophie Sheridan. Bringing the sweet vocals we all expect as well as power in act two. Alongside Alec Porter as Sky, the pair make a nice duo and give an especially entertaining performance in Lay All Your Love on Me.

Leading lady Donna is a pretty extensive role which requires some big vocal chops. At this performance, Caroline Deverill took on the role and did so with both honesty emotion and exuberant energy. Songs such as The Winner Takes It All and Money, Money, Money were stand outs of the night. As her Dynamos, Jennifer Hepburn (Rosie) and Kate Graham (Tanya) gave spandex filled performances and delivered their witty lines with a freshness that the audience clearly loved.

Sophie's three dads were played by Mark Isherwood (Harry), Stephen Beckett (Bill) and Richard Trinder (Sam). The three get the audience on their side immediately and give wonderfully comedic and heart warming performances. Their complex relationships with each other, Donna and Sophie are well played out and extremely entertaining. 

The ensemble work hard to bring the Greek island to life in terms of choreography as well as providing backing vocals to most of the show. There did seem to be come vocal imbalance throughout, with the leads often being almost silent but this was rectified by the mega-mix ending. 

Mark Thompson's basic set is cleverly used with the addition of props and lighting to simplistically put the story across and compared to other shows does feel a bit dated and overly basic, but it does the job and that's all you can ask for, and expect, with a show like this. 

With the Mamma Mia sequel recently being released and the ABBA love being felt more than ever, it's no surprise that this show continues to be a success. It's not a categorically 'great' musical but it's super energetic, platform filled and as much fun as you wish it would be. 

Tickets for Mamma Mia can be booked via

photo credit: Brinkoff/Mögenburg

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

This Little Life of Mine, Park Theatre | Review

This Little Life of Mine
The Park Theatre
Reviewed on Friday 7th October 2016 by Olivia Mitchell

A few weeks ago I published a post full of excitement for the new British musical This Little Life of Mine; well I just saw the show and my excitement was well aimed. This is a new, exciting, relevant and realistic musical which is so perfect for growing up and living in London.

Monday, 19 September 2016

This Little Life of Mine, Park Theatre | Press Launch

Last Thursday on September 15th members of the press were invited to the launch for what promises to be an exciting, new contemporary musical drama following the story of a modern couple in London as they face all the ups and downs of life.

We got to hear a selection of songs from the show and although the cast have only been rehearsing for a short time they were incredibly polished. The songs are catchy and contemporary and I can definitely see them becoming staples on musical theatre fans playlists. Hey Prince Charming was a personal favourite- its been in my head since Thursday so its definitely catchy!

Set against an instantly recognisable backdrop of eye-watering house prices, unreliable dating apps and over-friendly coffee baristas, This Little Life of Mine looks at what happens when we can’t have everything that we want.

This Little Life of Mine is produced by Stage Traffic Productions a newly formed theatre company set up by Michael Yale (Book and Director) and Eilene Davidson (Producer) focussed on what live performance does well- engaging and enthralling audiences. 

The cast is comprised of only four extremely talented people: Greg Barnett, Kate Batter, Caroline Deverill and James Robinson who between them have incredible credits and are sure to be sublime in this show.

The show is choreographed by Tracy Allsop,  with set and costume design by Zahra Mansouri and video artisty by Jack Henry. The music is written by Charlie Round-Turner and musical direction is by Thomas Dunchan. 

This is certainly one of my most anticipated shows and I can't wait to see how the storyline plays out. This promises to be an honest, quirky,  current musical, relatable for anyone who is trying to navigate the crazy world we're living in! 

This Little Life of Mine will run at the Park Theatre from October 4th to October 29th.