Monday 26 March 2018

Brief Encounter, Empire Cinema Haymarket | Review

Brief Encounter
Empire Cinema, Haymarket
Reviewed on Friday 20th October 2017 by Olivia Mitchell

A uniquely theatrical experience and a love letter to film, Brief Encounter, first seen in London in 2008, is back with a fantastic adaptation by Emma Rice. Complete with uniformed ushers, popcorn and pink curtains, Brief Encounter is a quaintly wonderful show that works perfectly in the Empire Cinema. 

Laura and Alec meet by chance in a train station cafe when she gets some grit in her eye and he kindly helps her remove it. They bump into each other a few more times before ending up spending an afternoon at the cinema together. Of course, this story is set in 1938 and both are married with children, so whilst they continue to develop feelings for each other and fall in love, they (and the audience) know that it will not end well.

Of course times have changed but an affair between two married people is still unacceptable to most. However, I felt that by only seeing Laura's (Isabel Pollen) home life with her less-than-sensitive husband, it made it more acceptable in a way. Seeing both of the families, or seeing families who were 'happy' would've added a depth to the show that was missing at times.

However, this is a sweet show helped by the brilliant set from Neil Murray which brings stage and screen together. A number of levels, nooks and crannies provide space for movement as well as surprise when actors just appear. 

Kneehigh's composer Stu Barker has done some fantastic arrangements NoĂ«l Cowards pieces which really set the scene. Especially wonderful is Jos Slovick's performance of So Good at Love towards the end.

Jos is one half of another couple in the show, the quirky young lovers Stanley and Beryl (Beverley Rudd). The two are a wonderful pair and capture the feeling and excitement of young love perfectly. The final couple in the show are the refreshment room manager, Myrtle Bagot (Lucy Thackeray) and Albert Godby (Dean Nolan) who are memorable, hilarious and a joy to watch. Myrtle's faux accent which slips in and out is absolutely brilliant. The contract between the three couples is jarring at times but cleverly highlights how all relationships vary.

As the leads, Isabel Pollen and Jim Sturgeon are captivating. Suitably reserved and excited at times they create a moving and heartbreaking relationship which blurs the lines between film and reality.

Overall this is a lovely revival which uses its story and surrounding thoroughly to its advantage. Fun, moving and at 90 minutes, not too brief, it's a gem of a production.

Brief Encounter is at the Empire Cinema Haymarket until September 2nd.

photo credit: Steve Tanner

Saturday 24 March 2018

Vincent River, Park Theatre | Review

Vincent River
Park Theatre
Reviewed on Friday 23rd March 2018 by Nicola Louise

Hate crimes are unfortunately, still prevalent in the LGBTQ+ community; Vincent River portrays the aftermath of these horrific events.

Set in a flat in East London, the play centers around two characters, Anita and Davey. At first it’s quite hard to establish the connection the two share but that just adds to the emotions of both people on stage.

Anita (Louise Jameson), a grieving mother who lost her child, Vincent, in an awful way. He was found beaten and dead in a hot spot known for gay activities. Anita hides her hurt well, clearly in denial. She also attempts to hide the fact her child was gay, something she didn't want to face during or after his life.

Davey (Thomas Mahy) is the character who walks into Anita’s life- he was the one who found Vincent. When this comes into light Anita wants to know more. She want’s to know what he was doing there and how he came across her child’s body.

The show will take you on an emotional journey and I struggled to keep my tears in at various points.

Both actors portrayed the emotions of love and hate very well and by the end I found myself just wanting them to be friends and to bond over the loss they both endured. 

My only issue with this show is with the character Davey. I felt the director and the actor tried so hard to stereotype young men in East London, down from the way he spoke to the way he acted when Anita asked him questions. His anger is justified but there were a couple of lines where I was left wondering why he burst out into anger like that.

Vincent River, written by Phillip Ridley is a new and refreshing play focusing on the plight of hate crime on the LGBTQ+ community and it’s an eye opening, emotional piece of theatre. At only 80 minutes long you don’t find yourself looking at your watch, you’re hooked on every word the actor is saying, wanting to know more, wanting to see how the story unravels.

Vincent River is at the Park Theatre until the 14th April.

Don Giovanni (Welsh National Opera Tour), Mayflower Theatre | Review

Don Giovanni (Welsh National Opera Tour)
Mayflower Theatre 
Reviewed on Friday 22nd March 2018 by Lucy Jardine 

This performance of Don Giovanni was part of a short Welsh National Opera (WNO) season at the handsome, art deco Mayflower Theatre in Southampton. WNO are touring England and Wales until mid-April performing Don Giovanni, Tosca and La Forza del Destino and based on this performance I would recommend seeing any of the three productions if you can.

Don Giovanni is one of Mozart’s best known operas, first performed in Prague in 1787. The events take place in 18th century Seville and this production is true to the original setting, with elaborate costumes to match. The production is sung in Italian, but surtitled in English on a discreet display high above the stage, so you can easily follow the words and see where the story is heading.

Our hero – or anti-hero – is the amoral libertine Don Giovanni (played by Gavan Ring), whose only purpose in life is to seduce as many women as he can, using whatever mixture of money, deception & physical violence is necessary to complete the task.  

Somewhat reluctantly aided and abetted by his servant, Leporello (David Stout), Giovanni attempts to seduce the newly-married peasant girl Zerlina (Katie Bray), while avoiding her husband Masetto (Gareth Bynmor John) and trying to elude his former lover, Donna Elvira (Elizabeth Watts), who cannot make up her mind whether the man who betrayed her deserves forgiving or murdering.

Meanwhile, Donna Anna (Emily Birsan), attended by her steadfast lover Don Ottavio (Benjamin Hullett), is bent on avenging the killing of her father, the Commendatore (Miklos Sebestyen), at the hands of a masked assailant who's eventually revealed to have been the Don himself.

As you might expect from the full title of the opera, “Il dissoluto punito, ossia il Don Giovanni” or “The Rake Punished, or, Don Giovanni”, things do not end well for our main character when he finally has to face something that he can’t bribe, beat up or outwit.

Overall this was an enjoyable performance with a strong cast, but Emily Birsan as Donna Anna and Katie Bray as Zerlina stood out for the combination of great singing and good acting they brought to their roles. David Stout as Leporello also outshone his master on a number of occasions.

photo credit: Richard Hubert Smith

Friday 23 March 2018

Tosca (Welsh National Opera Tour), Mayflower Theatre | Review

Tosca (Welsh National Opera Tour)
Mayflower Theatre 
Reviewed on Thursday 22nd March 2018 by Victoria Hayward 

Southampton’s Mayflower Theatre is a well presented 90 year old theatre with excellent acoustics and architectural surroundings. This provided the perfect setting for Puccini’s Tosca. After its first performance in Rome 118 years ago, Puccini’s Tosca is brought to life by the phenomenal Welsh National Opera (WNO), bringing a diverse audience along with it.

Tosca is divided into three acts with two intervals. The curtain opened and conveyed the dimly lit church of Saint Andrea Della Valle. This is where we meet the first of our two lead gentlemen: Mario Cavaradossi played by the truly wonderful tenor Hector Sandoval; who is more than qualified after singing the title role of Don Carlos twice in Moscow. Hector’s Mario is a talented passionate lover, embroiled in a love so deep with his beau Floria Tosca. 

Floria is played by our very own Hampshire leading lady Claire Rutter. Claire plays the role in a bouncy, vibrant and refreshing way and able to switch from lover to murderer easily and with conviction.

To Mario’s Tenor, Baron Scarpia’s baritone matched unequivocally. Mark S Doss’ portrayal of the venomous villain owned the production. With his masculinity taking over the stage every time he took his place, he delivered a strong yet vulnerable character. 

The magnificent orchestra during this production were expertly conducted by Timothy Burke who led them through the stunning and complex score. It was beautifully rehearsed which was clear from the impeccable timing. 

One criticism would be that during the first act the orchestra out-volumed the singers on stage, although, this seemed to have been corrected by Act 2.

We must show gratitude to the scenery and stage design produced by Cardiff Theatrical Services. The glorious sets throughout really took the audience on a journey seen through the characters eyes.

If you, like me, have never been to the opera, you should not feel intimidated. The whole production was surtitled (not subtitled, as I have learnt) so you are able to see where the story is leading. The screens are above the stage and are placed discreetly so you are not drawn away from the performance.

Tosca is a great introduction to opera. It has an incredible score, an excellent cast and a flawless story. Filled with love, murder and tragedy it’s a whirlwind production sure to keep you on the edge of your seats. The audience were gripped from the very beginning.

I will leave you with this quote:

With a thousand kisses I shall seal your eyes,
and call you by a thousand names of love.

photo credit: Richard Hubert Smith

Thursday 22 March 2018

Misty, Bush Theatre | Review

Bush Theatre
Reviewed on Wednesday 21st March 2018 by Shaun Dicks

ArinzĂ© Kene is a star on the rise. Playwright and Actor, he has endless noteworthy credits. Tonight’s viewing is Misty, written by and starring Kene. Misty is a show of two stories; the first being a story of a young man, travelling on the night bus in London, who makes a bad decision before unravelling. We follow him as events unfold. The second story is led not by a character but Kene the person. It follows his process of creating this show and all the negativity and hardship that he faced while doing it. 

Firstly, Kene as a writer is outstanding. The script is fantastically interwoven with its dual narrative; the structuring and execution is positively breath-taking. This script is a masterpiece and a masterclass in how to create an effective, powerful and colourful script. Kene has found the right balance of intense, thought provoking and politically/racially charged material and mixing it with great wit and humour. There is an elegance in the script that is rare, the imagery is so vivid and clear- it is beautiful. 

Kene as a performer is enthralling and captivating. He is a scintillating storyteller, with a presence second to none. Underscored by brilliant music, everything he delivered was real, honest and intense. The performance was outstanding, creating a very stirring and thought-provoking show. Everything is so well rounded, so complete, and incorporates multiple storytelling devices so effectively, that it becomes a show that needs to be seen, heard and enjoyed by everyone and anyone. 

It is a show that needs recognition from the higher ups in awards. It needs thrusting in front of decision makers in Parliament. It is a show that legitimises itself and gives visibility to unrepresented issues. 

I have been watching theatre for eleven years, appreciating for the last five. This show is in my top three, of greatest shows I have ever seen. It is excellence and I cannot be happier or feel more privileged to have experienced it. 

It is theatrical perfection. Go see it, tell everyone about it. Tweet it, Facebook it, Instagram it, Tumblr it, Snapchat it. Make sure that this masterpiece is seen and heard. Give it the visibility that it deserves. Kene is a genius, plain and simple. 

Misty runs at the Bush Theatre until April 21st.

Read Shaun's other reviews here.

photo credit: Helen Murray

Wednesday 21 March 2018

The Lady with a Dog, Tabard Theatre | Review

The Lady with a Dog
Tabard Theatre
Reviewed on Tuesday 20th March 2018 by Shaun Dicks

Tonight, we find ourselves at a Chekhov piece. Not one of his plays but an adaptation of one of his short stories. The interesting thing when it comes to adaptations is that it can be either a hit or a miss, in this rare case, it was neither. We find ourselves following the story of two married couples, each with a spouse on holiday alone. They form a bond, and this story follows that bond through a certain length of time. This show tackles the themes of love, open relationships and age differences, all within an age where two out three were taboo. I’ll let you guess which two. 

For me the show felt like a show of two halves, the first act seemed a little laboured. There was a lack of intent and pace that didn’t make me want to follow the story or the characters within it. The story itself is decent, it follows the formulaic way of presenting a story of infidelity but contained some interesting characters. The shows use of the spouses that weren’t on the holiday as a Greek chorus was an interesting and ultimately inspired device of storytelling. 

However, despite the unnecessary interval, the second half was infinitely better. There was a drive in the second half that the first lacked. The intent shown by all members of cast in the second half really drove the story home and made me care about them as characters and the story of their lives unfolding. Each member of the cast was strong in their own ways but sadly there were a few weaknesses on show that do need improving. 

One thing that does need improving overall is the script. The overuse of monologues within the text was arduous at times. The script needed to show more and tell less, it felt like the characters were giving us large amounts of information, when really, they should’ve shown us. Monologues are all well and good but give your audience some credit and let them receive information in a more interesting and creative way. 

The Lady with A Dog is a decent show. It is neither good or bad. If you are near to the Tabard Theatre or a fan of Anton Chekhov, then I say go see the show. But if you are looking for something new and exciting, this show isn’t for you. The show needs work both on the performance side regarding pacing and intent but also from the writing side as the script is very formulaic and needs to make some changes before this show becomes something special. This show has the potential to be great and as a fan of Chekhov myself, I want it to achieve that. It just needs to develop to get there. 

The Lady with a Dog runs at the Tabard Theatre until April 7th

photo credit: Andreas Lambis