Sunday 22 July 2018

A Stagey Guide to Singing... Aimie Atkinson | Six | Stagey Sunday

What time is it?
Stagey Sunday time!

Welcome back to this week's Stagey Guide to Singing, this week we chat to the vocal goddess that is, Aimie Atkinson. Aimie is a part of glitzy girl-group, Goldstone who recently won the Voice of Astana competition; she is also starring in the new concert musical Six, all about the wives of Henry VIII. The show is taking the country by storm and will be heading to London in August/September. It's all go for Aimie, so vocal health and maintaining her voice is very important, keep reading to find out her tips, tricks and vocal stories...

What has your vocal journey been? (eg. have you always been a singer, were you in a choir as a child, have you changed voice type over time?)
My dad was in a rock band so I grew up singing along to all the legendary rock singers. My dad would teach me harmonies and we would sing together. When I was old enough I went to an am dram group in my home town in Stevenage and thats when my passion for theatre began.

You’re part of Goldstone and are starring in the concert musical, Six so you’re used to both theatre and concert styles of singing. Do you find you have to adapt your voice for the two or does switching come naturally?
For me both theatre and concerts are quite similar. However the sound tech is slightly different- with Goldstone we have in ears which really helps with hearing your own voice and the other girls harmonies. In theatre it's usually onstage monitoring which is slightly trickier to hear the blend of voices but more authentic which works for stage. On Six the Musical because it's a theatre piece but in the style of a concert we use in ears. The show is very hard vocally so to have this is a god send and is really saving our voices over the tour schedule. 

Six is a new musical which people are loving; it must be really exciting being part of creating a brand new show. What’s the journey been like so far? Have you had a lot of input on what works for you vocally throughout the process?
Being a part of a new musical is an absolute dream come true. For me it's just so exciting to create a role and to have input into something new. We've definitely had input when it comes to character and what works vocally for us. Katherine Howard is based partly on Ariana Grande so she definitely influenced my vocal choices and mannerisms. However the song I sing in the show is pure story telling so for me that always come first before the vocal sound.

Vocal health is obviously so important but do you have any coping techniques for the mental side of performing such as when you lose your voice or feel unmotivated? 
You're going to lose your voice! That will happen it's inevitable- we are not machines and a theatre schedule is incredible tough and for me I try not to be harsh on myself. As long as I've told the story truthfully who cares if a few notes are not quite perfection. 

What is your pre-show warm up like?
My pre show warm up is low about warming up my body- I believe if your body is warm then you are in the right physical condition to sing. I do a short concise vocal warm up. Nothing too intense as I find so many warm ups tire you out before you've even started the show.

I also warm up my neck/ jaw and tongue which really helps me to keep relaxed when doing tough Goldstone sets. 

Who would your dream duet partner be?
My dream duet partner would be my fellow Six Queen Natalie May Paris. Her voice is divine! You must come see the show to believe it! She's a star.

What’s your top piece of advice for aspiring performers in terms of finding and maintaining your voice?
My biggest piece of advice would be to just enjoy singing, when you've been in the industry for a while sometimes people can take for granted what an incredible life we lead. Really enjoy what you do and that will shine through in your voice.

Thank you so much Aimie for chatting about all things singing! Be sure to catch Six either on tour, in Edinburgh or in London. More information about the show can be found here.

Interview by Editor, Olivia Mitchell

Saturday 21 July 2018

Sounds and Sorcery celebrating Disney Fantasia, The Vaults | Review

Sounds and Sorcery celebrating Disney Fantasia
The Vaults
Reviewed on Thursday 19th July 2018 by Olivia Mitchell 

The Vaults is one of London's most exciting venues. It's labyrinth of tunnels allow it to be easily changed into a whole world of magical mazes which provide the perfect space for immersive theatre. It's currently playing house for a multi-sensory experience which combines classical music, live performances and beautiful sets to transport us to the world of Disney's 1940 film, Fantasia. The experience is not a replica of the film, it is merely inspired by the classic; a certain mouse for example, never makes an appearance.

The goals of this show are clear, they want to enchant audiences and give them a magical night but personally it falls a little flat. In the entrance, audience members are given an ipod and a set of headphones which play varying pieces of music and tell us to wander freely throughout the various rooms. These include a volcano that seems set to erupt at any minute, a bubble wonderland, a frozen lake where lights fly around the ice whimsically and a garden of flowers where an omnipotent voice whispers, somewhat eerily, around us.

The overall concept is very reminiscent of the recent Opera: Passion, Power and Politics exhibition at the V&A which took audiences on a route around a large maze of rooms whilst playing varying pieces of music and providing facts and information on the piece and era it was written/performed. Sounds and Sorcery takes the same idea but a lack of structure lets it down a lot. The idea of "choosing your own path" is exciting but if you choose wrong you are left to mill around for a long time, waiting for rooms to be ready, which takes away from the magic and leaves a lot of aimless, dead time. 

Some of the rooms are exciting, namely the iconic Sorcerer's Apprentice where the actors whiz around under a spell and splash water on those in the closest proximity. The Dance of the Hours is also enjoyable thanks to the wonderful performers but the plot of the dance is unclear unless you realise that each person is playing an animal. There's a knock-kneed Flamingo, the boisterous Elephant, a hissing Crocodile who skilfully does some aerial skills and an attention loving Hippo. Each do a great job of performing but in comparison with the other rooms it feels random. 

If all the rooms included performers it would be a much more enjoyable experience. Although Kitty Callister's designs are magical and bright and the stunning music such as Stravinsky's Rite of Spring which surrounds us is wonderful, there's nothing keeping us in each room for more than a minute or so. 

The lack of structure combined with some fraying parts of the set make the whole thing feel amateurish and Sounds and Sorcery Presents Disney Fantasia doesn't quite hit the mystical mark it's aiming for. There are a few brief magical moments and the design is wonderful but there needs to be a cohesiveness and draw to really transport audiences and give them "wow" moments rather than, "that's cool, let's move on". 

Sounds and Sorcery celebrating Disney Fantasia runs at The Vaults until 30th September

photo credit: Hanson Leatherby and Laurence Howe

Wednesday 18 July 2018

A Monster Calls, Old Vic | Review

A Monster Calls
Old Vic
Reviewed on Tuesday 17th July 2018 by Emma Gradwell

I was familiar with the storyline of Patrick Ness’s A Monster Calls prior to yesterday’s performance at The Old Vic, after watching the 2016 film adaptation. Despite this, I was not prepared for the emotional journey the story would once again take me on – and the copious amounts of tissues that would be required to mop up the resulting mess. Although a book written primarily for children, A Monster Calls contains some very complex themes– and they are all embraced in director, Sally Cookson’s take on this incredible story. 

Conor is 13 and his mother has incurable terminal cancer. His nightmares always come at 12.07am: a monster comes walking to deliver three stories – and then finally to hear Conor’s. 

The nightmares are visualised as blood-like projections upon a blank white wall, a system being pumped with chemo, accompanied by strobe lighting, loud dissonant noise and physical discomfort. Benji and Will Bower’s ethereal score helps take us on Conor’s journey from denial, through anger and fear, to acceptance. 

The set, designed by Michael Vale, is stark, white and uncluttered. A stripped back stage, with virtually only ropes and chairs, is used to inventive effect by the ensemble cast of twelve. The fluidity of the production relies on sharp timings. It seems almost implausible that trees, classrooms, crowns and cars can be created with only these props, but it is done with great effect. The simplicity of the set lends itself to the solitude of Conor, played by Matthew Tennyson. Tennyson manages to capture a very raw, real and believable 13-year old boy. He often doesn’t engage with other characters, in the way a child in denial would not. The performance is unsweetened and plausible. 

Selina Cadell delivers as a bitter and awkward Grandma, dealing with her own grief and not entirely sure how to help Conor. In the scene following Conor’s destruction of her living room, she gives us perhaps the most human moments in the production. 

Stuart Goodwin plays the Monster, alongside a complex tangle of ropes – and although we are left in no doubt that the monster is a metaphor for the cancer, Goodwin offers us a complete arc to its importance in the story. At the outset the monster scares us with his booming voice as he shouts from high above in his form as a yew tree. As the story continues, he becomes closer to human as he walks on stilts, until eventually he is alongside Conor as he embraces him in a way we never see his distant father do. 

This story contains no real heroes or villains. It is a brutal tale that focuses on the harsh realities of mortality, and our helplessness in grief and the emotional complexities of its process. This production tells it very well, especially in the quietest of scenes. A Monster Calls is not to be missed. 

A Monster Calls runs at the Old Vic until 25th August

photo credit: Manuel Harlan

Tuesday 17 July 2018

Evita (UK Tour), New Victoria Theatre | Review

Evita (UK Tour)
New Victoria Theatre 
Reviewed on Tuesday 17th July 2018 by Olivia Mitchell 

Classic musical, Evita has been thrilling audiences in the UK and around the world since it opened in 1978, winning the Olivier Award for Best Musical. Multiple re-incarnations have allowed various portrayals of the iconic characters and different takes on the tale of Eva Perón. Despite not having a huge amount to compare to, having only seen the 1996 movie and 2006 West End production, I don't hesitate saying that this current tour helmed by Lucy O'Byrne, Glenn Carter and Mike Sterling has created an almost perfect production and showcases the music and story of Evita wonderfully.

Not only was tonight Evita's opening night at the New Victoria Theatre but was also the opening night for the three leads who each do an outstanding job. Mike Sterling commands the role of Juan Perón with power and fight whilst also showing off a softer side with his wife. He is vocally wonderful and complements Lucy's voice well. As Che (in some productions based on Che Guevara, and others as working class Everyman base of Peronism) Glenn Carter is versatile. A strong voice and all-knowing-rock-god-vibe means he brings a unique but perfectly suitable strength to the role.

As the leading lady, Lucy O'Byrne grows and blazes as Eva Perón. Starting out as a 16 year old who knows what she wants to a dying politicians wife, O'Byrne's transition is breathtaking to watch. Stand out moments include Rainbow High and You Must Love Me which show the drastic differences between Eva's character. Lucy performs the role with passion and drive whilst maintaining brief innocent moments. Her vocals grow as the character does and her stellar diction means we don't miss a word of the fast-paced passages.

Bill Dreamer's choreography brings to life the world of Argentina and cleverly moves us from one moment of action to another, whilst, Matthew Wright's sets and costumes create a vibrant world which draws you in from the opening. The fairly simplistic sets echo the world of the Perón's and at times provide a stark contrast to the glamour of Eva. 

It's hard to pick fault with such a strong production but one thing in particular strikes me as odd: the decision to give the entire cast English accents. This doesn't take away from the performances at all but feels like a bit of a cop out, and makes us forget the show is set in Argentina at times. 

However, overall this production is well thought out and does a brilliant job of bringing Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber's music and lyrics to life once more. This show is not glitz and glam happiness, but it is a raw and moving story which should certainly be seen. Stellar music is brought to life by a magnificent cast who make Evita a must see!

Evita runs at the New Victoria Theatre until July 21st before continuing it's tour.

photo credit: Keith pattison

Sunday 15 July 2018

A Stagey Guide To Singing... Josefina Gabrielle | Chicago | Stagey Sunday

Welcome back to Stagey Sunday! I hope you're all well and not too saddened by the football... although if you're reading this, the chances are that you were at the theatre instead of in front of a TV! Anyway, this weeks guide to singing is brought to you by the female lead of Chicago the musical, Josefina Gabrielle who plays Velma. Josefina started her career as a dancer before transitioning into the world of singing so it's really interesting to hear how she built up her voice and stamina to be able to perform such a demanding role...

Can you tell me a bit about your vocal journey? 
Well I went to a theatre school, Arts Educational school, from about the age of 10 so we had an all round performing arts education. It incorporated singing, ballet, jazz, modern, tap, drama, you name it! So I had that in my life for as long as I can remember. 

Then I specialised in Classical ballet, so I danced only for quite a few years and, I worked abroad. When I came home to London after about 8 years, I joined Carousel the musical which was being done at the National Theatre. They needed strong ballet dancers so there was this perfect break from one world into the next so then I was surrounded by singing again and kind of got back on the saddle with that. 

I had been a soprano and hadn’t really experimented with the musical theatre sound, mixing or belting or anything like that so I learnt a lot about that during my time at Carousel. I learnt a lot about different voice types as I joined different companies and slowly developed a belt voice which was quite daunting at first because it’s quite muscular, you know you can push the wrong way and make yourself hoarse. So that was quite an interesting journey and I think having a typical dancer mentality I pushed it quite a lot which made it strong but compromised it’s flexibility. So that’s been my journey into different sounds! 

I went to a singing teacher for a little while who gave me all the knowledge on how to belt but it felt painful, so I shied away from it. But as I came to acquire, note by note slowly, I was able to process what she’d told me to do. But at the time it felt scary. It’s like doing push-ups! Twang and tilt are also an important part of that- I’ve learnt all the terms along the way! 

Was there anyone or anything that got you into music in the first place? 
I’ve always enjoyed music, my primary school before I went to ArtsEd- my mum has since told me cause you don’t think about these things as a child- focussed a lot on the arts so we did have a lot of musical appreciation. I remember playing all the percussion stuff and recorder and clarinet and things. So I’d already started that journey at my primary school so I think it's always been a part of my life. 

And then in the classical ballet world you dance to so much music. I feel like I’ve got quite a nice, wide variety of music that I appreciate and it’s quite wonderful to identify and recognise composers easily because I’ve acquired it as opposed to studied it. Rodgers and Hammerstein are a musical duo that I absolutely adore and Stephen Sondheim as well because there’s so much research and such an education while you're performing and learning the subjects and your journey. It's fascinating. And the structure of the way they write just does it for you really. 

I think maybe because I’ve come through dance, I’ve been a little gung-ho with my singing and sometimes I've not thought “well this is as good as it gets”; I've dared to be a bit rough on my voice and sort of thought, well, I’ll just face the consequences… I don't find that pure singing comes easily to me so I focus very much on telling the story through song and that seems to find my voice; so there’s always the thing of juggling the X and the Y, the technique and the emotion and I think I focus more on the emotion and hope the technique will follow! 

Josefina Gabrielle and Hugh Jackman as Laurey and Curly in Rodgers and Hammerstein's Carousel

You've had a long career with Chicago now so you must know a lot of it like the back of your hand but are there any moments you still find hard or have to put extra focus on? 
I do find every every show that I do, I play my voice in, I’m not a person that can just pick something up and sing it beautifully. I need to almost dig a trench in my voice so once it’s played in I can do it. I’ve found that if I just treat it with respect but don’t get too fixated on it, it will find it’s way. I find a lot of that is once the breathing becomes choreography, you automatically prepare in the right way and you know when to hold, when to let go and when to not step on the gas. That just comes with repetition. I think that the moment my breathing has sorted out it’s choreography then I’m in safe hands. I also feel that I'm very much a voice that works with a mic. So the mic informs how I’m going to hold back or let go. 

You've recently had Mazz Murray join the cast of Chicago as Mama who your character Velma is very close to; what’s your process like when you work with someone new in terms of figuring out how to blend and balance one another? 
Again that comes with time, we’re early on so we’re still blending. But she's a wonderful musician and has one of my favourite voices. You know you're in fantastic hands and you just you feel and you listen and that’s how you come together, just like any orchestra would really. 

What are your tips for maintaining good vocal health? 
Drink a lot of water, the usual. Sleep, always get a decent amount of sleep. I have to be careful with acid reflux so I try not to eat too late at night. If I do eat too late at night or am feeling full or even just in case, I’m never far from Gaviscon Advance. Until you know about acid reflux, you may not even know you have it; it’s basically where the acid comes up your oesophagus and can sit on your cords and swell them. I didn’t realise but I’d often wake up coughing at night and I now know it’s because of the acid so now I'm very aware of that as it got me a lot of trouble in the past. 

I have an excellent warm up tape from by singing teacher Mark Meylan which I do religiously before every show and even when I'm not working, I’ll try and do that warm up regularly because my singing muscle needs to be looked after regularly. I’m not a person that can just sing, I need warming up well for flexibility. 

Who would your dream duet partner be? 
I’ve never really though about that! Well I just had the most amazing time singing with Ruthie Henshall; that felt wonderfully organic and I enjoyed it enormously. I'm now having a wonderful time working with Mazz and we're on a new journey. I even put this in Mazz Murray’s card on opening night that I have a laminated wish list of leading ladies I'd like to work with and two of them have come along at once! 

Could you tell me your top piece of advice for aspiring performers in terms of finding and maintaining their voice? 
Well I’ve kind of already blended those answers into my others but I’d say, don’t get upset because the emotions really affect your voice, they’re both in the same place so it can hinder performance. Breathing is terribly important and don’t push something they doesn’t want to go there- coax it gently and it will come!

A huge thank you to Josefina for taking the time to give her stories and advice on singing. You can catch her in Chicago at the Phoenix Theatre until 5th January 2019.

See you next Sunday for the final instalment of our singing guides!

Saturday 14 July 2018

The IDA Girls (Concert), The Other Palace Studio | Review

The IDA Girls (Concert) 
The Other Palace Studio 
Reviewed on Wednesday 11th July 2018 by Emma Gradwell 

While the rest of the country sat down to watch England vs. Croatia on Wednesday night, a small but select group gathered in the intimate studio at The Other Palace. A few rows of chairs and tables with a convenient bar made it a very personal affair.

We were treated to a classy and sleek evening by London classical crossover girl group IDA. Performing as part of The Big Smoke Festival (The Other Palace's week long music, cabaret and variety festival) Wendy Carr, Laura Coutts, Georgi Mottram and Sarah Vaughan make up the quartet. Having trained at some of the worlds leading conservatoires they have been singing together since 2016 when the met during a West End Production of Gilbert and Sullivan's Princess Ida - hence the name.

We were taken through a journey from Bizet to Adele with clever mashups fusing traditional opera with both pop and musical theatre. The result is truly beautiful. The four ladies may hail from worlds apart - Scotland, Jersey, Ireland and Australia - but their chemistry is undeniable. All of the arrangements are self written making this combination genre completely their own.

After the opening verse of Phantom of the Opera a booming bass-baritone voice could be heard from the back of the room. Rodney Earl-Clarke appeared from the darkness to duet with the girls with superb effect.

Also accompanying was Steinway pianist Dominic Ferris - one half of the critically acclaimed double act 'Ferris and Milne'. There was a special performance of his own at the mid way point allowing for a quick costume change and an update of the Football. Dominic is a very expressive pianist and an absolute joy to hear and watch. 

The show was exquisite from start to finish. The IDA Girls are talented, beautiful and funny. I would highly recommend an evening in their company and cannot wait to see what comes next from them.