Monday 10 September 2018

Last Night of the Proms, Royal Albert Hall | Review

Last Night of the Proms 
Royal Albert Hall 
Reviewed on Saturday 8th September 2018 by Olivia Mitchell 

After a spectacular eight weeks of concerts, the 2018 BBC Proms came to an end on Saturday night in a grand and celebratory fashion. As a first time attendee of the last night, I was excited to be part of such a well-known piece of theatrical history and the atmosphere and performances left me elated and proud to be British.

The concert followed it's traditional format, with a more serious first half followed by an audience participation fuelled second act. Master of ceremonies for the night was Andrew Davis who made a triumphant return after eighteen years and brought together a magical night. 

Debut work, Songs of Darkness, Dreams of Light by Roxanna Panufnik is a moving ten minute piece which brings together opposing religions and cultures and was especially exciting to witness. Of the various French and English choral pieces, a stand out was definitely Charles Villiers Stanford's The Blue Bird, performed expertly by the BBC Singers and causing the rambunctious audience to be in pin drop silence for its entirety. 

Saxophonist Jess Gillam provided energy, glitz and talent in equal measure through her performances of Scaramouche and a selection of World War One songs arranged by Anne Dudley. Gerald Finley also gave dominant performances of Stanford's Songs of the Sea and the vast Soliloquy from Carousel

The second act was a fine celebration of patriotism and community. The audience, orchestra, BBC Singers and BBC Symphony Chorus joined together for a number of classic Last Night of the Proms pieces including Jerusalem and Auld Lang Syne, all of which were rousing and left the audience elated as the Proms came to a close and we all left the Royal Albert Hall for another year.

Saturday 8 September 2018

Unexpected Joy, Southwark Playhouse | Review

Unexpected Joy 

Southwark Playhouse 
Reviewed on Friday 7th September 2018 by Olivia Mitchell 

Unexpected Joy, more like an unexpected delight of a show. The latest of Aria Entertainment’s shows to hit London, Unexpected Joy follows three generations as a grandmother, mother and daughter come together after not seeing each other for a long time. There are secrets, past tensions and varying viewpoints which have the potential to break the family apart. This is a heartfelt show that just like real life, features moments of humour, sadness, joy, angst and above all, love. 

The show opens with Joy (Janet Fullerlove) welcoming us to her concert which is celebrating the life and music of her late husband, Jump. From the onset we see that Joy is a larger than life character who has always been a free spirit and is the opposite of her daughter.

Jodie Jacobs gives a moving performance as Rachel/Rainbow, the mother who is struggling to balance her beliefs with change and is losing her relationship with her daughter. Jacobs shows her internal struggle with a perfect subtlety and moments of pure vocal perfection. 

In her professional debut, Kelly Sweeney gives a mesmerising performance as the youngest family member, Tamara, who longs to break free of the constraints her mother has so carefully put on her in an attempt to not expose her to too much. Kelly brings an innocence and energy to Tamara that you can't help being drawn to and her impeccable vocals are to die for.

As Lou, Melanie Marshall brings humour and truth in equal measure and gives a fantastically vibrant performance. As the only person not in the family by blood, it's interesting to see how Lou becomes the mediator and is able to more easily see each side of the story. 

Bill Russell and Janet Hood's musical is a wonderfully nuanced show which brings light to a number of ever relevant issues without being overwhelmingly preachy. Amy Anders Corcoran's direction means that issues with race, social acceptability, and attitudes towards change are approached and discussed in a natural way. The fact that there is not a solid resolution at the end of the show just makes it that bit more truthful.

Unexpected Joy not only shows us the importance of family but also the importance of music to heal; with a number of catchy songs and tight and beautiful harmonies, it really showcases how music can transport us. 

The message throughout, that we should always take each others view points into consideration, even if we don't agree with them is needed now as ever. There will always be some common ground between people, you just have to be willing to look for it.

Unexpected Joy is a beautiful piece of theatre which allows us to see viewpoints of everyone and understand that although families argue, at the end of the day, everything they do for one another is for love. A female led production with wonderful songs, a heartfelt message and a whole lot of love, there's no reason not to see Unexpected Joy.

Unexpected Joy runs at the Southwark Playhouse until 29th September

photo credit: Pamela Raith

Friday 7 September 2018

Five Reasons to see Eugenius

I've been lucky enough to see Eugenius throughout it's journey, from it's first public concert at the London Palladium, to its first stay at The Other Palace and now at its triumphant return. It's wonderful to see such a fun British show become an audience favourite and a cult classic. At risk of full on repeating myself, instead of reviewing the show again, I bring you a list of reasons why should see it...

It's the Definition of Catchy- If you're a fan of upbeat, 80s inspired music and heartfelt ballads then this show is for you. If you don't find yourself humming "go Eugenius" or "Don't shoot for the stars, shoot higher" basically all the time after seeing the show, then you are very good at escaping musical earworms! (It's in my head even just from writing those words)

The Cast are Superstars- The talent on the stage of The Other Palace is unreal. Rob Houchen perfectly embodies the geeky Eugene who loves comics more than life and dreams of a brighter future where he will "inherit the earth". Laura Baldwin's voice is complete perfection as she balances angst, humour and joy with ease. Dan Buckley is the ultimate musical theatre comedian and Scott Paige brings the ideal level of sass to The Other Palace. Basically, this cast are astronomical and deserve to be seen.

It Allows us all to be G.E.E.K Geeks- However hardcore we try and be, deep down (or not deep down in my case) we're all geeks. This show allows us to embody this whilst living our best 80s lives. The message of the show is all about acceptance and inspiring us to strive for more, which is pretty great indeed.

The Whole Show is Pure Fun- Eugenius is one of the most self-aware shows I've ever seen. There are so many parts that are ridiculous and super cheesy and it does have it's faults but it knows that and doesn't try to be anything more than it is, which is a pure fun-fest. For a light-hearted, truly joyous night, get yourself along to Eugenius.

The Fans Are the Best- It's my belief that the fans can make or break a show. Regardless of what critics/reviewers say, a shows fanbase can spread the love and word quicker than wildfire. Sitting in row G I had a wonderful view of the fantastic fans who took up much of the first two rows and who were giving as much to the cast as the cast were giving to the audiences. Their beaming smiles, instant applause, knowledge of every word and action in the show and love on social media is heartwarming to watch. Go see Eugenius purely to see what the fans are raving about!

Eugenius runs at The Other Palace until October 21st 2018 

Post by Editor, Olivia Mitchell

photo credit: Scott Rylander

Wednesday 5 September 2018

Six, Arts Theatre | Review

Arts Theatre 
Reviewed on Friday 31st August 2018 by Olivia Mitchell 
★★★★★★ (it seems only right)
As someone who grew up spending her weekends visiting Hampton Court Palace, Six is  pretty much my ideal musical. Bringing the wives of Henry VIII to us live in concert and changing HIStory to HERstory this show is a celebration of girl power and shows us that there's far more to the rhyme we all grew up hearing.
Written by Toby Marlow and Lucy Moss, Six is fresh, modern and unlike anything I've experienced. The lyrics are fast paced and extremely clever but draw you in so much that at no point do you find yourself struggling to understand them. Each Queen has a distinct style which works fantastically. From the jazzy feel of Catherine Parr's solo to Catherine of Aragon's Beyoncé style song, all the music feels relatable and makes you feel you could be friends with any of the Six ladies.
Each Queen is inspired by current pop-stars with the cast bringing clear influences from pop culture as well as making the roles truly individual and memorable. As their respective wives (Ex-Wives *mic drop*) Jarneia Richard-Noel, Millie O'Connell, Natalie Paris, Alexia McIntosh, Aimie Atkinson and Maiya Quansah-Breed are outstanding. It's unfair to talk about them individually as they all bring so much to the show and despite having solo's, make this show the united, ensemble piece it's meant to be.
The Ladies in Waiting aka the on stage band bring energy and even more power to Six. Emma Bailey's set is simplistic in the tiny space of the Arts Theatre but extremely fitting, with the black box almost becoming a chapel where we can worship these powerful women. Tim Deiling's lighting helps achieve the pop concert vibe and is especially effective in Haus of Holbein where Anna of Cleves' tells her story accompanied by strobe lights and fluorescent neck ruffs.
Carrie-Anne Ingrouille's choreography is sharp and fills the space extremely well. Alongside Gabriella Slade's fabulous and flirty costumes and Jimmy Jones' chiselled makeup looks, the ladies really do own the Arts Theatre and become the hottest girl group in London.
Six is inventive, coherent, uplifting and full to the brim with talent. The varying tempos and genres make the piece continually engaging and the "Britishness" of it all is truly wonderful when so much of the West End is currently/soon to be dominated by imported shows. Henry VIII may have been the Tudor King, but these Queens are the rulers of London theatre.
Six runs at the Arts Theatre until  14th October, and then tours around the country
photo credit: Idil Sukan

Friday 31 August 2018

There is Nothing Like a Dame, Cadogan Hall | Review

There is Nothing Like a Dame (Concert) 
Cadogan Hall
Reviewed on Thursday 30th August 2018 by Olivia Mitchell

Combine four of the most talented female performers to have ever graced the West End stages and a celebration of 100 years of Women in musical theatre and you have a stellar debut show from Lambert Jackson.

West End superstars Rachel Tucker, Louise Dearman, Ria Jones and Alexia Khadime joined forces to showcase some of the most iconic female roles of the last 100 years and highlight the positive changes that are happening for women in the industry. Every song seemed to top the last and it was a truly uplifting night at Cadogan Hall.

The concert opened with all four ladies floating onto the stage accompanied by rapturous applause to perform Anything Goes which set the benchmark for the night extremely high and began our journey through a number of beautiful solo's, duets, trios and quartets.

The ladies gave all round stellar performances, with highlights including a great medley of Rodgers and Hammerstein songs; Rachel Tucker sung a hilariously drawly version of I Can't Say No, Alexia Khadime a playful I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Out Outa My Hair, Ria Jones a graceful Shall We Dance and Louise Dearman a pin-drop perfect, You'll Never Walk Alone.

Since seeing Louise Dearman in her solo concert earlier this year, I have been continually surprised by her versatility as a performer and she once again showcased her ability to transform both her vocals and mannerisms to fit any style. Louise is truly a musical theatre chameleon; her performance of I Dreamed a Dream was certainly a stand out.

Other highlights included Ria Jones' With One Look from Sunset Boulevard which brought the audience to their feet, Alexia Khadime's heartfelt, Home from The Wiz and a lovely rendition of In His Eyes from Jekyll and Hyde from Rachel Tucker and Louise Dearman. Mention must also go to the wonderful duet from the three former Elphaba's, Louise Dearman, Alexia Khadime and Rachel Tucker who put a fresh spin on The Wizard and I.

The audience were also treated to a peek at the future of the West End with a great and powerful performance of Don't Rain on my Parade from Daisy Greenwood who won a competition to perform at the concert. Aged only 17, she commanded the stage and is sure to be seen again among the great performers.

It must also be pointed out how fantastic all four ladies looked, donning two glamourous gowns each and embodying the superstar vibes. Also joyous to watch, was the way all the women supported one another and watched each other as if in awe. Women supporting women is just as important now than it's ever been and it's wonderful to see women who could so easily see each other as competition, admire each other and celebrate talent. 

If the next 100 years of musical theatre is filled with performances like the ones this night provided then it will be truly wonderful!

Photo credit: Danny Kaan

Wednesday 29 August 2018

Bat Out of Hell Sing-along, Dominion Theatre

Bat Out of Hell | Sing-along
Dominion Theatre
Reviewed on Tuesday 28th August 2018 by Olivia Mitchell 

I'm going to start this post by saying it's not really going to be a review but more of a babbling-praise-fest for the amazing team at Bat Out of Hell and the fantastic sense of community they have created over their various runs.

It's no secret that I wasn't the biggest Bat fan when I first saw it at the Coliseum, but since then, something has changed and I just can't get enough of the show.  Sure, the story is lacking but the performances and intricacies of every element just make it a complete extravaganza for all the senses and you can't help but feel energised and elated every time you see it. I certainly don't think the show is everyone's cup of tea, but if you go into it ready to be shocked, wowed and dazzled, then there's not much that can go wrong. 

I've raved about them on twitter and praised them vastly in my previous posts about the show, but last night's sing-along just brought to light again, the incredible talents of the entire Bat cast. Whilst not everyone in the audience was singing along (the lady next to us told us to stop, so we just sang LOUDER) those that were, were giving it their all just like the cast do every night (minus all the dancing, quick changes and acting they do on top). My friends and I were going pretty full out in our sing-along "performances" but were giving no where near the energy and precision the cast provide night after night and we were still exhausted. This just highlights further the immense talent and stamina of the cast who perform night after night, giving it 150%; I truly believe you'd be hard-pressed to find a more well-rounded, powerful cast in the West End. 

The sing-along itself was a wonderful thing to be a part of; I've been trying (and failing) to be a bit subtle about my adoration for Bat but last night I fully embraced the love and fangirling. With a small screen above the stage and a couple of others dotted round the theatre displaying lyrics, it was clearly shown which songs the audience were invited to sing along to. Much of the audience seemed to come out of their shells and start belting for their lives in Act 2, with Objects In The Rearview Mirror and I Would Do Anything For Love being clear audience/fan favourites. The microphones being turned up also meant that none of the cast's vocals were missed and we were still able to bask in the beauty of their voices. These sing-along performances not only give fans a chance to live their best lives, singing along whilst hearing their favourite songs live, but also puts the message out clearly that the normal shows are not for people to sing at. When you pay for a ticket to the theatre, you want to hear the performers sing, not someone next to you, so these special performances provide the perfect outlet and are a happy medium for everyone.

The Bat community are a wonderful family, that's for sure. I have only recently gotten into the show but have been welcomed in with open arms and have experienced the kindness and generosity of the fans several times already. The fans support not only the cast and show itself, but each other. A number of people at the singalong had met through the show and bonded over their love for it, so to see and hear them celebrate that was truly magical to be a part of. I expect the future singalongs and the upcoming last show of Patrick Sullivan and Andrew Polec will continue to highlight the fantastically dedicated community and show how music and theatre can really bring people together.

I'm aware this post really has very little content and is just me putting my post-show Bat thoughts out into the world but I felt I had to write something because the sing-along has made me feel so energised, inspired and content. The generosity of the cast with both their talent and time is fantastically motivational to see. I personally find stage-dooring very awkward but find myself drawn to it at Bat, purely to gush at the cast about how amazing they are. Despite having been rehearsing all day, performing a show a preparing for a double show day, the cast members who came out were so gracious and giving of their time. It's been discussed many times before that casts don't owe coming out and chatting/signing to any audience members, but it is great when a cast so clearly appreciate the people who support them and their show.

If you get the chance to see a normal show or a sing-along, you should grab it with open arms. If you haven't seen Bat Out of Hell before, go into it with an open mind and I am sure you'll leave feeling elated. If you have seen it before, then you know what to expect and can just relish in the pure spectacle of it all! 

Shoutout to the cast and crew at BOOH for bringing this sing-along to life and also to the producers who have stepped up the game continually with this show by trying new things and always finding ways to include and give back to those who support the show. 

I am a mixture of larynx pain and adrenaline but couldn't be happier to have been a part of this exhilarating and special show... can I say I've played Raven now I've belted out It's All Coming Back to Me Now at the Dominion!?

Further Bat Out of Hell sing-along performances are taking place on September 25th, October 31st, November 27th and December 31st and the show is booking until January 5th.