Wednesday 26 September 2018

Once on This Island, Circle in the Square | Review

Once on This Island
Circle In The Square
Reviewed on Tuesday 18th September 2018 by Olivia Mitchell

Once on this Island is basically the show version a huge hug; filled with a heartwarming story, spectacular talent and amazing use of theatrical devices it's a truly brilliant piece of theatre.

The Circle in the Square theatre provides the perfect, semi-immersive space for this show which follows the story of Ti Moune, a young peasant girl, who with the help of the Gods, sets on a journey to unite with the boy who has captured her heart. The story itself is pretty random and far-fetched: Ti Moune falls head over heels with this boy she has only glimpsed at for a second (very Little Mermaid-esque) and decides she must dedicate herself to saving him. However, the way the story is told is truly beautiful.

Michael Arden has directed a feast for the eyes which is magical, moving and heartfelt in equal measure. The simplicity of the show is what makes it so special. The use of debris and fragments of clothes/products immerses us in the world and transports us subtly to a place ravaged by a natural disaster which has to piece itself together the best it can. Clint Ramos has done an outstanding job of bringing pieces together without making anything look tacky of lacklustre.

With musical gems such as Mama Will Provide, Waiting For Life and Why We Tell The Story, it's no surprise that this show is a hit. The Caribbean-infused musical theatre songs are catchy and supremely well performed. Despite premiering in 1990, the entire production feels fresh  and enticing and is undeniably a show to be loved by any audience members. 

The cast perform Ahrens and Flaherty's music with life and joy, Alex Newell's Mama Will Provide is a sure stand out, whilst Tamyra Gray brings an Angels in America vibe to the death God, Papa Ge who flicks around the stage with a menacing presence, especially in Forever Yours. Other stand outs include Quentin Earl Darrington who's booming voice fills the intimate space, Kenita R. Miller who draws the eye from the moment the audience enters the theatre and Isaac Powell who is vocally strong as Ti Moune's love interest, Daniel.

Whilst this is truly an ensemble piece, with the cast filling the space with sounds and movements whilst every 'solo' piece takes place, the heart is definitely Hailey Kilgore as the young Ti-Moune. Her voice and performance is compelling and heart-wrenching whilst remaining vulnerable and full hearted. There's no doubt that Hailey will be a staple on Broadway stages from years to come as she performs free from constraint  and provides one of the most moving and nuanced performances I have ever witnessed.

photo credit: Joan Marcus

Friday 14 September 2018

Misty, Trafalgar Studios | Review

Trafalgar Studios
Reviewed on Thursday 13th September 2018 by Olivia Mitchell

Misty is an outstanding, relevant, vibrant and moving piece of theatre written and performed by a theatrical genius. Arinzé Kene's use of spoken word, movement, rhythm and singing is masterful and makes you feel as though you are with him every step of his journey. 

Despite being in a formal setting of audience separate from the performer, this show feels immersive and the regular breaking of the fourth wall feels natural and fresh. It's evident that this show is so intricately planned, that it feels unplanned. We find ourselves constantly questioning whether an action was an accident but it soon becomes clear that everything is part of the beautifully woven fabric of the show.

The dual-narrative script written by Kene is a masterclass in effect. The balance between political/racial tensions, intensity and passion is perfectly found and combined with laugh out loud humour magnificently. The structure of the entire piece is so exhilarating and exactly what the West End needs right now.

Kene is one of the most deft storytellers I have ever encountered. The way he captivates the audience and wraps us around his finger with a faultless intensity and honesty is an impeccable thing to witness. His performance pulls together a number of theatrical/storytelling devices which create a visceral performance that gives visibility to crucial issues that constantly need addressing. The fact that this is only the second black British play to be in the West End is enough to show that change is needed and I sincerely hope and believe that Misty will reach those that are able to influence change and will be a step towards opening conversations that will lead to positive outcomes.

The stunning performance of Kene is accompanied by incredibly deft musicians: Shiloh Coke and Adrian McLeod. The lighting (Jackie Shemesh), sound (Elena Peña) and video (Daniel Denton) are all part of creating the perfect package of Misty

Misty is unique, theatrical perfection, written and performed by a master of his craft. This show needs to be seen and experienced. Don't miss it.

Misty runs at Trafalgar Studios until 20th October 2018

photo credit: Helen Murray

Thriller Live! (4000th Show Gala), Lyric Theatre | Review

Thriller Live! (4000th Show Gala)
Lyric Theatre 
Reviewed on Wednesday 12th September 2018 by Emma Gradwell


This week Thriller Live! celebrated its record breaking 4000th performance with a glittering Gala Night featuring special guest performer Peter Andre for one night only.

It was also the launch of a year long collaboration with The Prince's Trust with proceeds from tickets sales to be donated, and a commitment from the Thriller Live! team to provide experiences and mentoring over the next year, which will help to support young people to develop the confidence and skills they need to realise their ambitions through workshops, art projects, Q&A sessions and opportunities to experience the show. 

Before the show began, the atmosphere was really electric. There were dedicated fans packing the audience, many of whom had been to see the show many times before. 

Comedians Russell Kane and John Culshaw started off proceedings with an introduction for the evening and delivered with humour and style. 

For anyone not familiar with Thriller Live!, the show is a nostalgic and fond journey through Michael Jacksin's musical career from the early days of Motown and The Jackson Five to beyond his Bad album. 

Bouncing onto the stage came the adorable Xhanti Mbonzongwana as a young Michael. His beautiful voice and sharp dance moves took us back to his early career with songs such as ABC and I Want You Back. Backed by an excellent ensemble it was a great performance and got the audience up and on their feet right from the off. 

Making his way back to Thriller Live! to perform as an adult Michael was Kieran Alleyne who has previously performed as little Michael in the early days of Thriller Live! Well observed mannerisms and slick dancing in Michael's staccato style made his performance mesmerising. The ensemble dancers in this production really have their work cut out. For most part the show is very high tempo and the choreography is both complex and gruelling. They make it look effortless and it really did make the crowd go wild with excitement. They are clearly having a great time on the stage and this is reflected in how well it is received by the audience. 

The vocalists that carry the choreographed routines so beautifully are excellent. With stand out performances noticeably coming from Vivienne Ekwulugo and David Julien. For this special evening we also had the privilege of seeing Peter Andre performing alongside the cast. He first took to the stage to perform the emotionally charged ballad She's Out of My Life, which he did wonderfully. He had the audience gripped from that moment. His performances came across as polished and his duet with Vivienne on I Just Can't Stop Loving You seemed truly heart felt. 

My only criticism of the show is that some of the high energy performances are very clearly lip synced to a backing track and with so many great vocal performances it's hard to understand why that is. However, this really was a THRILLING night. The audience loved it, the partnership with The Princes Trust is to be applauded and I am sure the show will continue to entertain in the future. 

Thriller Live! is booking at the Lyric Theatre until 7th April as well as a UK Tour

photo credit: Betty Zapata

Thursday 13 September 2018

Heathers, Theatre Royal Haymarket | Review

Theatre Royal Haymarket
Reviewed on Monday 10th September 2018 by Olivia Mitchell

Every so often a show comes around which receives an exceptional amount of hype and has the West End buzzing. Heathers is currently that show and the good news is that it truly lives up to it. Based on the 1989 film starring Winona Ryder, this musical adaptation is full of energy and humour as it balances the line between political correctness and incorrectness. We find ourselves drawn towards the darkness but also cringing at the atrocities that go on.

Laurence O'Keefe had huge success with his adaptation of Legally Blonde and has applied his winning formula once again to bring this show to life with a camp, sassy and at times melancholic score. The plot follows Veronica Sawyer, a girl who is 'different' to the others at her school and longs for unity between all cliques and social standings. However, in order to make it through High School, she befriends the rulers of the school, the "lipstick gustapo" made up of three girls named Heather. Our protagonist then meets a brooding new boy, Jason J.D Dean who turns out to be a kill happy psychopath. From there on there are deaths, parties, funerals and a whole lot of destruction.

When the movie came out in 1989 it became an instant hit and then received a cultish following when it opened off-Broadway in 2014. The show's transition to the West End has been no different as teens and young adults flood to the theatre with scrunchies in hair and  pleated skirts on to see this wildly fun but disturbing musical brought to life.

The entire cast bring this show to life with vivacious passion and immense talent. Leading the gang, Carrie Hope Fletcher is a powerhouse as she battles between what's right and wrong and what she wants to do to boost her social standing/love life. Carrie steps  on stage to well deserved cheers and blows the roof of with her entire performance, especially her new song 'I Say No' which gives her a backbone and the rough 'Dead Girl Walking Reprise'. Veronica's moments of strength are certainly where Carrie shines but she is also humourous and likeable as she swoons over JD.

Under Andy Fickman's direction, Jamie Muscato plays the mysteriously murderous JD with an intensity that you can't help but be drawn to. Whilst it's not wise to partner up with a murderer, we all love a bad boy and the combination of JD's smooth talking and Jamie's perfectly rough voice make us feel for him a little bit, even though he becomes a monster before our eyes. Muscato's frenetic energy in 'Meant To Be Yours' is certainly a theatrical highlight of the year.

The three Heathers waltz around the stage as one but have quirky personality traits which are owned and embodied by each. As leader of the pack, Heather Chandler who "floats above it all", Jodie Steele is brilliant. Her permanent scowl, sharp movements, sublime vocals and stellar comedic timing make her perfect for the role. Sophie Isaacs brings an innocence to Heather McNamara which is interesting to play out. Whilst she is part of the mean girl group, it's clear from the outset that she is merely following the pack and wishes to break away. Isaacs' rendition of Lifeboat is a pin-drop silence moment which stands out in the show. As the final Heather, Duke, T'Shan Williams is feisty and aggressive, with her solo Never Shut Up Again earning her laughs and cheers from the audience. 

Stand outs of the cast also include Jenny O'Leary who gives a moving performance of Kindergarten Boyfriend, Rebecca Lock who brings the entire theatre to life with her fiery, belt-tastic Shine a Light and Christopher Chung and Dominic Andersen who are humour embodied as the jocks who combine to create Kram. Ensemble members Lauren Drew and Olivia Moore also catch the eye throughout.

Gary Lloyd's choreography is especially effective with the Heathers, namely during the iconic Candy Store which sees them sashaying round the stage but in true Heathers style, being in complete control the entire time and never stepping out of sync with one another.

Mention must go to Ben Cracknell's lighting, which like the music, intensifies every emotion on stage. Particularly effective are the varying tones of light between the characters. The Heathers are of course lit in their iconic colours (brought to life vibrantly through David Shields' costumes) but whats most striking are the moments when Veronica is lit in warm spotlights whilst JD is basked in stark, almost grey tones. This highlights the contrast between the true evil and the kind-of-forced-into-evil in a clever way.

Most of the subject matter of this show is uncomfortable but sadly ever present: bullying, suicide, murder, depression. Heathers does a good job of satirising the sensationalism of them and shines a light (pun intended) on the fact that unity and kindness are always the way forward.

Whilst this isn't a light hearted show in content, the songs are crazily catchy, the talent level is ridiculously high and it's just a really good night out. For Big Fun, get down to the Theatre Royal Haymarket!

Heathers runs at the Theatre Royal Haymarket until 24th November

photo credit: Pamela Raith

Wasted, Southwark Playhouse | Review

Southwark Playhouse 
Reviewed on Wednesday 12th 2018 by Olivia Mitchell

With a cast of just four, Wasted tells the story of the Brontë siblings and their journeys to success, and questions (to an extent) what makes a legacy and how fulfilment is achieved. Whilst there are some catchy songs and the cast do a good job conveying the struggles of 18th century women, Wasted is drawn out and somewhat uninformative.

The entire show has a tonne of potential and with tweaks could certainly be a coherent, enjoyable show. However, in it’s current state it feels somewhat self indulgent and the basic story (the girls struggle, eventually get published but feel they have Wasted their lives) is stretched unnecessarily to fill almost three hours. 

The cast are helmed by West End superstar, Natasha Barnes who has made a triumphant return to the stage after giving birth to a beautiful baby earlier this year. Working with Christopher Ash's demanding score, Natasha leads the show with faultless vocals and outstanding commitment to the level-headed, dreamer Charlotte Brontë.

As her brother who aims to be famous, Matthew Jacobs Morgan is suitably humourous but troubled. As her sisters, Emily and Anne, Siobhan Athwal and Molly Lynch give strong performances although at times it is hard to understand what is being said. This may be due to mics but does mean that it takes real attention to keep up with the story. 

Another issue is the amount of repetition. The first act especially feels like we hear the same thing over and over again; after the first 10 minutes it was clear the girls “need to work” but we were told several more times which instead of reinforcing something important, felt unnecessary and added to the length of the show dramatically. 

Wasted could easily have been performed as two separate shows. Both act one and act two have good starting and finishing points which would make for solid 90 minute straight-through shows but together just felt too much.

Despite it's flaws, it is wonderful to see such an experimental, new, British musical and the cast do an outstanding job of bringing a mischievous, fresh view of the Brontës.

Wasted runs at the Southwark Playhouse until 6th October

photo credit: Helen Maybanks

Monday 10 September 2018

Proms in the Park, Hyde Park | Review and Five Reasons to Go

I have always loved the BBC Proms especially the last night which I have only ever seen on the TV. I was never really that aware of its alter ego The Proms in the Park, that is until last night. A friend and I were not only fortunate enough to attend this musical extravaganza but we were also given access to the VIP and Press arena. I can honestly say that it was one of the best evenings out I have ever had. 

Every year the line-up of performers changes, this year as in previous years the event was hosted by the multi-talented Michael Ball. He was absolutely perfect in this role, linking everything seamlessly whilst making everyone feel included and thoroughly enjoying himself, which was totally infectious. 

The afternoon kicked off at 3pm with the BBC DJ Tony Blackburn, who was then followed by the London based, Country, Folk, Pop quartet The Wandering Hearts. We were then treated to outstanding performances from The Rock Choir with the BBC orchestra followed by Lisa Stansfield, who performed some new material and wowed us all with her older hits. Matt Goss was next accompanied by the BBC Big Band, his set was not only excellent, but he also personally surprised and shocked a superfan. 

Another highlight was the hugely talented and energetic cast from Bat out of Hell, led by Jordan Luke Gage and Christina Bennington, who had everyone on their feet belting out the songs. Just a small plug, if you only go to one show in London this year go and see Bat out of Hell, you won’t be disappointed! Also, on the bill was the young saxophonist Jess Gillam and award-winning songwriter Albert Hammond who were both outstanding. 

The Maltese opera star Joseph Calleja was wonderful, and my personal favourite Josh Groban performed a truly beautiful version of Somewhere over the Rainbow, among other stunning songs. It was then time for the headline act which this year was Gladys Knight. What a fantastic performance she gave, she still has the most incredible voice and had all 40,000 of us dancing and singing along to all the hits we know and love. 

Then came the iconic flag waving finale, it was so amazing to be part of this experience which was being mirrored over at the Royal Albert Hall. We all played our part in the rousing renditions of Land of Hope and Glory and Jerusalem. A spectacular firework display was a very fitting end to a truly wonderful day. I hope to be fortunate enough to go again next year and as if the musical performances aren’t enough of a reason to go, here are 5 more: 

  • This event is in the most glorious setting of Hyde park in central London, arrive early and take a stroll around this magnificent space. Maybe take a boat out on the lake, marvel at the stunning plants, trees and statues or simply sit peacefully and watch the world go by for a while, before entering the arena. 
  • This is a wonderful iconic event to attend, whether with a group of friends, as a couple or a family but even if you went alone you wouldn’t be for long. The camaraderie amongst the attendees was like nothing I have ever experienced at a large event or concert. People of all nationalities and ages from tiny tots to shall I say a more mature contingent were sharing, stories, drinks, food and lots of laughter. 
  • Whatever your taste in music there is absolutely something for everyone, from musical theatre, to Opera, rock, pop and disco. This is a wonderful opportunity to see a multitude of fantastically talented artists at one venue. 

  • The organisation of such a huge event, 40,000.00 people attended, is mind boggling and needs to be seen to be believed. I have no idea how something like this is put together so slickly. From the fabulous selection of food and drink vendors, the security, the staging, lighting, superb sound and visuals to the properly plumbed in toilets. Certainly, a feat of engineering in themselves. 
  • This event is a wonderfully eclectic mix of music, food, fun and revelry mixed with the superb Pomp & Circumstance associated with the Proms. In the words of a fellow reveller “it made you proud to be British”. 

Review by Melanie Mitchell

photo credit: Mark Allan