Thursday 13 December 2018

Kinky Boots (UK Tour), Edinburgh Playhouse | Review

Kinky Boots (UK Tour)
Edinburgh Playhouse 
Reviewed on Tuesday 11th December 2018 by Liv Ancell

Audiences at the Edinburgh Playhouse are being transported straight to the Price & Sons Shoe Factory in Northampton this December, to a time and place where drag queens and shoemakers collide in spectacular fashion, in what is a truly unique and special tale.

Kinky Boots has boldly strutted into town and delighted the Edinburgh Playhouse’s audiences since opening night on 11th December. With original music & lyrics by Cyndi Lauper performed by a diverse cast eager to impress, it is impossible not to get swept up in the drama and excitement of this unique spectacle.

The promise of the show’s eponymous red kinky boots seems far off at first, as the curtain rises to reveal the gritty factory belonging to Price & Sons, practical shoemakers. Here we meet Charlie Price, who was portrayed brilliantly by the energetic and tone-perfect Joel Harper-Jackson.

Set design (by Tim McQuillen-Wright) convincingly transforms the stage between its main two states: a working shoe factory and an intimate drag club. This reinforces the contrast between the very different worlds of protagonists Charlie and Lola, as the story dips in and out of Charlie’s tough reality and the exciting world of the exotic drag queen, Lola.

Speaking of Lola, Kayi Ushe who played the show’s famous red-boot bearer on the night stole the show in spectacular fashion. With his perfectly placed sashays, sassy one liners and full range of emotions, Kayi Ushe put on a winning performance in what is undeniably an extremely demanding role. From booty drops to belting out ballads, deadpan put-downs and effortless switches between the character’s macho masculine and drag-queen personas - sometimes done in the very same breath - the audience was absolutely blown away by the level of talent and professionalism Kayi brought to the performance.

Another notable performance in the show was that of Coronation Street veteran Paula Lane, who stepped into the fun role of homegrown Northampton pocket rocket Lauren. Her rendition of The History of Wrong Guys - just one of the show’s long list of incredibly catchy tunes - was underpinned by well-delivered slapstick elements which caused hilarity among the audience.

Lola’s cast of utterly fabulous drag queens, a.k.a The Angels, proved that when drag and theatre cross-over, the result is electric. Played by the kick-ass combination of Connor Collins, John J. Dempsey, Damon Gould, Joshua Lovell, Chileshé Mondelle, and Toyan Thomas-Browne, The Angels left the audience in utter wonderment with their sharply executed choreography. Their performance should almost come with a warning that mere mortals should not attempt their high-tempo sequences of squats, drops, jumps, sashays and moves at home. Not to mention the Angels’ costumes (costumes by Gregg Barnes) which would have put even Ru Paul’s Drag Race contestants to shame, with their dazzling glitter and unashamed flamboyance.

The story of Kinky Boots has its glorious ups, its poignant downs, and beautiful nuances of human emotion which eclipse the themes of loss, love, acceptance and even, the challenges of running a family business. The cast perfectly led us along the full spectrum of emotions, and put on a visual feast for the whole audience. A particular highlight for me in terms of staging was the boxing scene, where strobe lights helped to paint a particularly tense and dramatic scene.

I’ll leave the rest under wraps; this show is an absolute treasure box of surprises, laughs, and delights. The cast and production is of the highest standards and quality rarely seen outside of the West End or Broadway. If you’re looking for a little sparkle and escapism on a cold December evening in Edinburgh, there truly is no better place to be.

Kinky Boots runs at the Edinburgh Playhouse until January 5th 2019

photo credit: Helen Maybanks

Tuesday 11 December 2018

A Christmas Carol (LMTO), Lyceum Theatre | Review

A Christmas Carol (LMTO) 
Lyceum Theatre
Reviewed on Monday 10th December 2018 by Olivia Mitchell 

The London Musical Theatre Orchestra are fast becoming a staple part of my Christmas tradition, with their glorious performances of A Christmas Carol really bringing the joy and festivity of the season to life, and of course, providing a wonderful night of top quality musical theatre.

Based on the classic novel by Charles Dickens and with music by Alan Menken and Lynn Ahrens and a book by Mike Ockrent, A Christmas Carol tells the tale of Ebeneezer Scrooge as he's visited by the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future and is forced to evaluate the way he lives his life. 

Under the expert hand of Freddie Tapner the LMTO bring out all the best parts of this beautifully virtuosic score. Alan Menken's music brings a Disney-esque vibe to the story which actually broaches some dark subjects such as homelessness and poverty, and manages to evoke a whole range of emotions. 

Griff Rhys Jones brings the miserable but endearing Scrooge to life with a wonderful and fresh portrayal. His performance is supremely entertaining and he manages to enthral, even in this semi-staged concert production.

As the hilarious Mr and Mrs Fezziwig (among other characters) Nicolas Colicos and Rosemary Ashe have the audience in the palms of their hands whilst they give supremely humourous and vocally powerful performances. 

The vocal delights on offer in this concert are second to none, with Cedric Neal providing smooth riffs and a delicate but powerful tone that's to die for and Jeremy Secomb bringing the ultimate scrooge to life in a menacing but humourous rendition of Link By Link, in which he shows off his booming voice.  David Hunter is charming as Bob Cratchit alongside the fantastic Caroline Sheen as his wife and Jon Tarcy gives a memorable performance as Young Scrooge.

I'd like to be visited by the three ghosts just to be serenaded by them. Miriam-Teak Lee is sass embodied as the brings the Ghost of Christmas Past to life. Her vocals are super strong and she really brings magic to the stage with her performance. Lucie Jones' voice continually astounds; her clear as can be vocals and stellar diction bring Emily and The Blind Old Hag to the forefront of the show and equally, as the ghost of Christmas Future who never utters a word, Lucie still magnetises the audience and gives a subtle performance that you can't be drawn away from.

The young cast are great, as are the LMTO Chorus who are perhaps the strongest chorus at an LMTO concert yet. Completely in sync throughout their humourous numbers and close harmony pieces, they ground the piece and bring a magnificent Christmas choral feel to the show.

The true festive kindness was shown when two young girls in front of us beamed from start to finish and shared a single sweet between them during the final song. Cheer and love enveloped the theatre throughout this magically festive, and brilliantly performed evening. Get yourself to the Lyceum Theatre next Monday for a jubilant night of theatre. 

A Christmas Carol is on at the Lyceum theatre on Monday 17th December at 4pm and 7.30pm

photo credit: Nick Rutter

Sunday 9 December 2018

Jack and the Beanstalk, Grand Opera House, Belfast | Review

Jack And The Beanstalk
Qdos Entertainment 
Grand Opera House, Belfast 
Reviewed on Tuesday 4th December 2018 by Damien Murray 

Jack’s back!… and so is pantomime in all its traditional glory in this truly spectacular show that remains as magical as Jack’s famous beans … for, it really is the BeansTALK OF THE TOWN! 

The key to the success of any Panto is not only having all of the required elements, but achieving the right balance of its ingredients -staging, spectacle, performance, humour, music, choreography, magic, special effects, sound and lighting etc.,- to make it equally appealing and entertaining to all of its cross-generational audience… and this production has it all with balance finely tuned in all departments. 

However, the most challenging thing about this super slick production was how to give this annual treat a new direction in terms of returning to more traditional values without diminishing the hi-tech appeal and special effects that modern audiences have come to expect and appreciate. 

So, while the humour is more traditionally corny and the re-introduction of both a speciality act and some visual magic adds the degree of old time ‘variety’ lacking in so many current pantomimes, the visual impact of the show-stealing effects embraces more than ‘smoke and mirrors’ to keep the theatrical tricks as hi-tech as possible to impress even the most critical of today’s demanding audience. 

The simple trick of having the ever-present twinkling of lights incorporated into the star curtain on the surrounding set proscenium is most effective in ensuring that the magical feel of panto is always there. 

While the stunningly beautiful sets, lighting and costumes all play a big part in the overall success of this great team effort, the story, which is re-imagined and relocated to Belfast in true panto style with lots of popular local references and jibes, throws up great characters for all, especially the show’s four main principals. 

Now in her 29th year as the pantomime dame at this prestigious venue, May McFettridge (aka John Linehan) remains as popular as ever (in the role of Jack’s Mummy, Dame May Trot) as she effortlessly targets fellow cast members and audience alike with her quick-fire put-downs and, with the addition this year of a video camera, is in her element as she embarrasses her audience victims even more by projecting them onto an on-stage screen during her relentless banter. 

Although this idea brings audience participation to a new level, I must admit that the one type of participation I miss this year is May’s excellent encounters with very young children as she ‘interviews’ them on stage with hilarious, if unpredictable, results. 

As usual, her partner in crime is local actor and pantomime regular, Paddy Jenkins (as her long-suffering husband, Farmer Paddy Trot), who has become an expert at comedy timing and delivery over the years. 

Also big in the comedy stakes is former cruise comic, Rikki Jay (as their son and brother of the more ‘clued in’ Jack), who -with his simplistic one-liners and likeable character- proves a big hit with the children in the audience. 

However, following his outstanding performance in last year’s panto, the quick return of the multi award-winning, David Bedella (as the Giant’s villainous and evil henchman, Fleshcreep) is a masterstroke for the venue as there are few actors as good at being bad as Bedella when it comes to being the ultimate ‘baddie’… without being too scary for the little ones. 

This quartet is ably supported throughout by Joanna O’Hare’s Mother Nature, Georgia Lennon’s Princess Apricot, Michael Pickering’s Jack, an adult ensemble and talented young performers from the McMaster Stage School, while an added attraction is the speciality roller-skating act -Italian duo, Armando Ferriandino and Giovanna Manuela Mar- who bring skill and daring to the show as The Belfast Roller Rollers. 

Under Mark Dougherty’s musical direction, the small 5-piece orchestra work hard on the varied score to offer many musical highlights, including Justin Timberlake’s ever-popular Can’t Stop The Feeling, Talk To The Animals from Dr. Dolittle, an almost obligatory offering from The Greatest Showman, Michael Jackson’s Bad and Frank Sinatra’s My Way. 

With a tight hold on both direction and choreography, Andrew Wright ensures a memorable panto experience for all and while other highlights include the choreographed cow and other farmyard animals (with most realistic costuming), the novelty scene when the squashed Simon sings and dances, the tongue twister tales and the slapstick principal line routine, the show stealers are the appearance of the mighty Giant and that of May’s transportation to the top of the beanstalk, which, as the Act 1 finale, even puts Miss Saigon to shame in terms of theatrical special effects. 

Yes, traditional panto is back in Belfast with a bang (and I don’t just mean the pyrotechnics) and I am so glad that, on her first ever visit to a panto, one of my grandchildren could experience a gigantic spectacular of such quality as this really is Northern Ireland’s biggest and best panto. 

Jack and the Beanstalk runs at the Grand Opera House until Sun 13th January, 2019 

Saturday 8 December 2018

Nine Night, Trafalgar Studios | Review

Nine Night 
Trafalgar Studios 1 
Reviewed on Friday 7th December 2018 by Olivia Mitchell 

Natasha Gordon has become the first living black female writer to have a play in the West End, and what a beautiful, moving play it is. Nine Night follows a Jamaican family as they mourn family matriarch, Gloria, and discover things about themselves, their relationships and grief. 

The play looks at the divisions between Jamaican and British culture, modernity and tradition and generational divides. The family dynamic which is so well written, makes each argument and break feel relatable to anyone and subtly gets the entire audience caring for the characters.

Like all good plays, Nine Night has struck a perfect balance between humour and intensity. Rajha Shakiry's ideally cluttered set is so truthful, with even the hob working as if we're really watching a real family go about their lives. Roy Alexander Weise has got the pacing spot on and managed to highlight all important moments in a nuanced but effective way.

It's the believability of the entire show which makes it so wonderful with the astounding cast giving extraordinary performances. Gordon expertly plays the desperate, grieving daughter, Lorraine; Oliver Alvin-Wilson is the brother Robert, who is trying to keep up appearances and maintain success; whilst his white wife played by Hattie Ladbury is facing the issue of feeling at home and the intricacies of adult life in general. Michelle Greenidge's Trudy is a masterclass in character growth as she grapples with her own insecurities whilst cloaking them in a larger than life manner. Cecillia Noble is commanding as Aunt Maggie and especially believable as she drops in snide but caring comments here, there and everywhere. As Anita, Rebekah Murrell is particularly entertaining.

This is a truly fantastic, affecting and entertaining piece of theatre that deserves the space its been given plus more. 

photo credit: Helen Murray

Friday 7 December 2018

In Conversation With... Sophie Isaacs | Cinderella | Interview

Fresh from starring in the hit musical, Heathers, Sophie Isaac's is getting festive and tackling Panto with Cinderella which opens tonight in Woking  at the New Victoria Theatre. Olivia sat down with Sophie for a festive chat...

You've just finished playing Heather McNamara in Heathers, tell us a bit about that...

It was possibly the best experience I've ever had. Seeing a job from workshops, then to a sold out run at The Other Palace and then transferring to the West End; to see a show develop from the start like that has been incredible and also, it's such a special show that I just adore it. 

Heathers has obviously already been on, but you basically created this version of Heather Mc yourself, so what was the hardest part?

Probably just getting to grips with the character and her journey because she starts off being a Heather, with the not nice aspect of that but her journey means her character changes throughout the show and her interactions with different people affect her. Especially with Veronica (Carrie Hope Fletcher) and that friendship, which really develops. So getting that journey is the most important in terms of making sure she had heart at the beginning, even though it was a little hidden, and gradually bringing that out. 

Did you get a lot of say in the changes in your production of Heathers?
Yeah, we were really lucky. The creative team were unbelievable; so gracious and open to us saying "it doesn't feel natural" but honestly, generally they knew what was right and what was best. They've been with the show for ten years but they were absolutely open to discussion and seeing what works and what doesn't.

Heathers audiences were very different in terms of their live reactions compared to other musical audiences, what was that experience like and do you think it prepped you for the interactive aspect of Panto?
Yes, Heathers was like a rock concert and it's nice because I now won't be put off by people suddenly shouting at me or cheering or being very very involved. We always said that the Heather's audience was the fifth Beatle and pantomime has the fifth Beatle as well, so it was very good prep. 

We didn't know how Heathers would land going from 300 seats at The Other Palace to the much bigger, Haymarket but it was bigger and better which was amazing.

So, Cinderella the Panto- are you excited?
Yes! I put the dress on today and I just cannot wait. The shoes are just stunning, jewelled everywhere, with a monster jewel on the front. I am possibly the biggest Christmas fan on the planet so any opportunity to get festive, I love!

What are your favourite parts of Christmas, do you have any traditions?
Of course the whole, advent calendar and chocolate for breakfast everyday thing. My favourite things are generally food related! Mulled wine, piggies in blankets, I love a buffet.... oh and love a mince pie! Just all of it! 

I was out of the country last year for Christmas and it was awful, I was just so sad cause I wanted to be here with my family so I thought to myself, "what's the most Christmassy thing I can do next year?" and here we are... Panto!

Are you a big Panto fan?
Yeah I love it, absolutely love it. I haven't been in one for years and years and years but the last one I saw was Cinderella. It was in Swindon and my friend was playing Cinderella so it's nice to be doing this now.

So why should people come and see Cinderella in Woking?
You should come to the Panto because it's an amazing night out, it's a time to have a lot of fun with your family; it's festive; there are jokes that mums and dads will get, and jokes that the children will get, so it's fun for all and I think it's going to be incredible!

Cinderella runs at the New Victoria Theatre until January 6th 2019

Interview by Editor, Olivia Mitchell

photo credit: Grahame Larter

Wednesday 5 December 2018

Hot Gay Time Machine, Trafalgar Studios | Review

Hot Gay Time Machine
Trafalgar Studios 2
Reviewed on Tuesday 4th November 2018 by Olivia Mitchell

Fun, flamboyance and festivity, Hot Gay Time Machine is probably the most fun you'll have at the theatre this year (and next year when it'll no doubt be ruling the West End and the world). Conceived by Zak Ghazi-Torbati, Toby Marlow and Lucy Moss, this show is a ridiculously humourous look and laugh at life as a hot (privileged) gay. With a pink carpet and sparkles abounding, Trafalgar Studios becomes the time machine as Zak and Toby travel through a series of iconic moments in their lives, accompanied by a catchy, riotous soundtrack.

Zak and Toby have done an outstanding job of creating a show that feels fresh, modern, exciting, wild and amusing but also has moments that are moving and informative.  Alongside innuendos and outright unruly behaviour there are sweet moments about gay-splaining and coming out which are looked at with sincerity and fun.

Asides from the fantastically witty writing, it's the chemistry between the pair which makes this show a surefire success. The duo bounce off one another as if the whole show is impromptu, and there are a number of moments where they ad lib and give one another knowing glances that just add to the already extra humour. Toby deftly plays the piano whilst singing his soul off and Zak provides vocals for days as well as witty one liners and harmonies to give you life. 

In all honesty there's not much  more I can say about this show other than: GO SEE IT. If you want to laugh your face off and have 75 minutes of pure, unadulterated, gay fabulousness alongside absolutely stellar performances, Hot Gay Time Machine is the show you need in your life. Go now or commit a small hate crime.

Hot Gay Time Machine runs at Trafalgar Studios 2 until January 5th 2019

photo credit: Pamela Raith