Monday 18 February 2019

Come From Away, Phoenix Theatre | Review

Come From Away
Phoenix Theatre
Reviewed on Tuesday 12th February 2019 by Olivia Mitchell 

Come From Away is a giant hug in a musical which even the most icy of people will be moved by, as it portrays a time of amazing and heroic hospitality under immense pain and pressure.

Discussed as a 9/12 musical, Come From Away is set on and after the horrific events of September 11th 2001, but instead of leaving you downtrodden, it will leave you inspired and probably feeling a little sentimental. Written by Irene Sankoff and David Hein, it is an incredibly well rounded and fluent piece of theatre which provides catharsis whist becoming a celebration of goodness.

The show is set in the small town of Gander in ,Newfoundland Canada, which homes just over 11,000 people. On September 11th 2001, 38 planes were diverted to Gander airport, with 7,000 passengers and crew plus several pets and a pair of chimpanzees who were headed for a zoo. The people of Gander came together to provide shelter, food and friendship to the 'plane people'; and all who were there have incredible stories, bonds and live changing experiences from their time. They may have left Gander, but Gander never left them.

After interviewing many Plane People and Ganderites, David and Irene condensed these stories into a 100 minute show that features sleek role-swapping, musical theatre numbers and catchy Celtic tunes. Christopher Ashley's direction is crisp and to the point but also leaves room for us to study the story further, and of course allows us to look at ourselves and wonder what we would do in the same situation. This is further helped by Tara Overfield-Wilkinson's relentless and sharp choreography and Howell Binkley's striking and mood-evoking lighting. These aspects married with Beowulf Borritt's well thought out space, keep up momentum and evolve the story as simply but effectively as possible.

The heart of this show is community, and like the stories themselves, it is built around ensemble and teamwork.  The typically Newfoundland scenes such as the 'Screech In', feel like we've stepped into a pub and are really experiencing a group of people enjoying life. In such a group led piece, with smooth character changes, amazing use of simple props/set, it is unfair to name standout performances. The cast as a whole bring these people and stories to life and it's truly moving to witness such a wonderful and transformative piece of theatre. 

The cast is comprised of Jenna Boyd, Nathanael Campbell, Clive Carter, Mary Doherty, Robert Hands, Helen Hobson, Jonathan Andrew Hume, Harry Morrison, Emma Salvo, David Shannon, Cat Simmons and Rachel Tucker with Chiara Baronti, Mark Dugdale, Bob Harms, Kirsty Malpass, Tania Mathurin, Alexander McMorran, Brandon Lee Sears and Jennifer Tierney. All of whom, alongside the distinguished on stage band  (led by Alan Berry) and all the crew, who are unseen during the 100 minutes, should be equally applauded for their work on the must-see show in the West End. 

Concise and well-rounded, Come From Away is a stunning and poignant reminder of human kindness, which will surely leave you standing a little taller and smiling a little more.

Come From Away runs at the Phoenix Theatre and is currently booking until September 2019

photo credit: Matthew Murphy

Sunday 17 February 2019

In Conversation With... The Real Nick and Diane Marson with Robert Hands and Helen Hobson | Come From Away | Interview

Come From Away is one of the most inspiring and heartwarming musicals to hit the West End in a long time. Telling the story of the planes diverted during 9/11 and what happened to the people on them and those in the place they landed: Gander, Newfoundland. 

One amazing story is that of Nick and Diane Marson who met on a diverted plane and fell unexpectedly in love. Editor, Olivia, got to chat to Nick and Diane about the show alongside their actor counterparts, Robert Hands and Helen Hobson...

Can you sum up Come From Away in 5 words?
Nick Marson: A show about human kindness
Diane Marson: Love and acceptance
Robert Hands (plays Nick): Friendship
Helen Hobson (plays Diane): Human spirit, community

What's it been like seeing yourselves brought to life on stage?
Diane: well it was rather unnerving at first but we're used to it by now. We've seen the show eighty-eight times, in nine cities, in four countries and with four casts, so we're used to it now. But at first it was very unusual to hear your words come back to you.

Nick: When we gave our story to this nice young couple, David and Irene, they were making a musical not a documentary so they could've done anything with our stories, but they kept it very true and I'm very grateful and thankful to them. Our story was in the Washington Post and the reporter said "it has to be true, nobody could've made all of that stuff up!"

Helen: I think that was a clincher for one of our producers, John Brandt. When he was first invited to come and see the show, to find out if he wanted to be part of it, he watched the show and wondered about the love story, he wasn't sure because it seemed too amazing. But, Randy one of the other producers said "come with me, there's a couple you need to meet" and introduced him to Nick and Diane... and John was in!

Diane: At the time it was just our life that was unfolding; it wasn't something we had any designs on producing or writing about, we were just living it.

Nick: Neither one of us got on the airplane that day expecting a romantic occurrence

What's it like to bring real people's stories to life onstage?
Helen: It was good because our producer released us from the notion that we would have to do a carbon copy and do an impersonation of these two. He said you do what's in the script and what we put out and yes, you have to learn a Texan accent but that's really about it, so the pressure was off in that way. We were lucky enough to FaceTime them [Nick and Diane] early on in rehearsals which was great and we've improvised and used their real selves in the show.

Robert: They're so natural together so we try and bring that and make it as real as possible without trying to impersonate them as such.

The show is five days condensed into one hundred minutes, are there any stories from those days that are special to you and didn't make it into the show?
Nick: There are many other things that happened. There's the classic one where we went for a walk with another couple, and you see that in the show, but it was actually a man and his wife, the wife was a doctor and she had to turn back because she had sandals on and it was a gravel road. We carried on, and this was a checkmark in my mind because we went into a convenience store to buy a diet coke and some trail mix and normally I would buy it, cause that's what guys do, and Diane whipped it up and paid for it!

Diane: Well I figured if I did that, he'd have to sit on the park bench with me and spend more  time with me so there was method behind the madness!

Nick: Also, the show gloss' over it but the next year we go back to our lives and for me it was an emotional rollercoaster. I was thinking "was that real?", "is that woman really how I remember her?... I've got to go back and check it out" which I did and then I proposed to her
Diane: On the phone in November
Nick: and I was working in England and wondered how I was going to get to Houston but fortunately the parent company of mine was based in Houston, so the president of the company in England made it possible for me to transfer to Houston. But I was doing two weeks here, two weeks there and it was an emotional roller coaster itself. So I got to Houston properly in May and was a nobody; I didn't exist, I couldn't get a car or a driving licence, or anything until I had a social security number.

Diane: It was a lot of paperwork! We had to come back here in June and July of 2002 to get him a work visa because without that he couldn't get anything in the United States. We couldn't even get married in the United States.

Nick: It's a huge mountain to climb to move countries and basically, I saw this lady, threw my life up in the air and went off to America! It sounds very romantic but it was also stressful and took quite a toll on us. Of course it was worth it though!

How has the show been going so far?
Nick: The first time we saw the show here, there was a line of Delta Airways stewards behind us and they were a mess! When they found out who we were they were even more of a mess! And the lady behind us couldn't stop crying, so I said "come here, I've got to give you a hug!"

Whether they come here excited for the show or not really bothered, people are going to leave happy!

Diane: It's a 9/12 show, what happened on September 11th, everyone remembers that, but this is forward and it's a feel good story.

Come From Away runs at the Phoenix Theatre and is currently booking until September 2019

photo credit: Helen Maybanks and Matthew Murphy

Friday 15 February 2019

The Cunning Little Vixen/The Two Pigeons, Royal Opera House | Review

The Cunning Little Vixen/The Two Pigeons
Royal Opera House
Reviewed on Thursday 14th February 2019 by Olivia Mitchell 

In a charming night of theatre, we see artist-in-residence Liam Scalett's forty minute ballet, The Cunning Little Vixen, for The Royal Ballet School; paired with Frederick Ashton's stylish piece, The Two Pigeons. The two works create a programme that evokes warmth and feels ever so magical.

Scarlett's musicality is evident in The Cunning Little Vixen as he allows Leoš Janáček's score (arranged by Peter Breiner) to guide the piece. Scarlett has also made clever use of projection (designed by Finn Ross and Ash J Woodward) in the form of a children's cartoon which embellishes the story and adds a humourous layer, but doesn't detract from the dancers. Instead it works in conjunction with them. As chickens and feathers fly on screen, they also fly on stage and create a frenetic energy amongst the cast. 

The cast of younger and older dancers join together to give a wonderfully gleeful and heartwarming show. The story is nothing groundbreaking but is a vibrant and a perfect introduction to ballet. 

Madison Bailey as Sharp-Ears The Vixen is delightful and mischievous and alongside Liam Boswell as Goldspur The Fox, the pair create some fabulously playful and enjoyable moments. The entire cast of animals are brought to life not just by their animated and spirited performances but by the bright costumes which bring childhood joy to life on stage as well as providing humour and movement on their own. From bumblebees to ladybirds and a frog, each animal is uniquely and clearly characterised and looks wonderful under Les Bone's lighting. Scarlett really has done a wonderful job on this piece.

In The Two Pigeons, the musicality and purity of Ashton's choreography, leads to the focus being solely on the dance and technique. Whilst Jacques Dupont's fantastic costumes bring life and vibrance to the stage, the core of this production is on the ballet itself. The intensely emotional choreographic style is especially moving in the final moments of the piece and the reunion pas de deux we have all been waiting for, is pulled off with delicacy and sincerity and is certainly worth the wait. 

Yuhui Choe as The Young Girl is pretty much perfect in her debut as she performs with desire and a hint of petulance. Alexander Campbell is suitably 'artistic' in his frustrations between the ballerina and the gypsy. Itziar Mendizabal is seductive and calculating and she fights and flirts in equal measure through her strong and impressive dance. 

Featuring moments which feel almost impressionistic as well as purely classical, The Two Pigeons is an entertaining and heartwarming piece. Act one tells most of the story so act two does drag a little as nothing happens to move the plot along but the energy and height with which the dancers perform, helps to keep the audience invested and enthralled. 

This is a perfect programme for a whimsical but beautifully performed evening out and is a wonderful opportunity for current students to experience the professional world. 

photo credit: Tristram Kenton

Peter Pan Goes Wrong, Sydney Lyric Theatre | Review

Peter Pan Goes Wrong
Sydney Lyric Theatre 
Reviewed on Wednesday 13th February 2019 by Amy Mitchell 

Peter Pan Goes Wrong is a theatrical disaster panto crammed with slapstick calamities and magic misadventures. The production is framed around the JM Barrie classic and follows the formula that delighted past audiences with The Play That Goes Wrong, from the same creators Mischief Worldwide Theatre Company. 

We’re introduced to a fictional and farcical troupe of amateur dramatists come outright nincompoops and their hapless attempt at putting on a play of Peter Pan. The scene is set on a revolving stage encompassing the Darling’s nursery, Neverland, the lagoon and a pirate ship. From the opening scene pandemonium explodes with absurd tomfoolery and monstrous malfunctions - lines are fluffed up, there are trips and falls galore, bunk-beds collapse, infidelities are exposed, stage-hands and props go rogue, Captain Hook has a minor emotional breakdown, Peter is concussed and Tinkerbell almost snuffs it. 

A wildly energetic ensemble cast with brilliant comic timing have the audience chortling at the relentless abundance of frantic visual comedy, corny gags and quick change disasters. Where it’s light on musical numbers (although one will have you toe tapping home) it’s brimming with exuberant physical wit. 

The cast are multi-task magicians, with stand-out performances from Tammy Weller jumping hysterically between housekeeper Liza, Mary Darling, Tiger-Lily and Tinkerbell and Jordan Prosser flitting between 4 year old Michael Darling (complete with baby pink pyjamas), desperate but loveable Max and unwitting underdog hero, the crocodile. Francine Cain triumphs with an over-acted shimmy-athon as Sandra and Wendy Darling and Connor Crawford’s patriarchal parodies as the director, Daddy Darling and Captain Hook are wonderful. 

With only a smattering of surprises, the audience could anticipate the choreographed mayhem before it happened, and while the repetition stifled a few extra laughs, you’d be hard pressed not to maintain a delighted grin throughout at the playful and precise absurdity of it all. 

Peter Pan Goes Wrong runs at the Sydney Lyric Theatre until 3rd March 2019

photo credit: David Watson

Tuesday 12 February 2019

Rocky Horror Show (UK Tour), New Wimbledon Theatre | Review

Rocky Horror Show (UK Tour) 

New Wimbledon Theatre 
Reviewed on Monday 11th February 2019 by Olivia Mitchell 

A Transylvanian delight, Rocky Horror will have you laughing in delight and dancing in your seat from the moment it begins in all its sparkly, transsexual glory. 

Newly engaged couple Janet and Brad find them selves heading to an old castle when their car breaks down in the middle of a storm. There they meet Transylvania Transvestite Frank N Furter and his amazing and adoring entourage.

Rocky Horror brings a whole range of people to the theatre and everyone is welcome. Between those in full costumes and those in their normal everyday clothes, one thing is common: everyone is excited for a high energy night out. A whole range of ages and types of people clearly love this show and the smiles on everyones faces as they leave the theatre is a reminder of just how wonderful theatre can be, especially in trying times.

The show opens with a bang as the band bring the score to life (led by George Carter) and Laura Harrison as the cinema usher belts the opening number, Science Fiction/Double Feature, to rapturous applause. Laura is also fantastic as Magenta as she slinkily makes her way round the stage throughout and leads the Time Warp with high energy and oomph. Fellow slaves, Miracle Chance (Columbia) and Kristian Lavercombe (Riff Raff) also provide stellar, well characterised performances.

As Frank N Furter, Stephen Webb absolutely commands the stage. He struts around like he owns the theatre and everyone on it as as he embodies sass and sex as well as providing killer vocals.

As naïve lovebirds, Joanne Clifton (Janet) and Ben Adams (Brad) are well cast as they deliver engaging and suitably wide-eyed performances. The pair work very well with each other and bring this wacky story to life with fun and energy.

Making his theatrical debut, Dom Joly as the narrator is wonderful as he steers us through the highly chaotic tale with charisma and natural charm. Responding to the audience and adding in 'local humour' makes the piece just that bit more entertaining.

Nick Richings' lighting brings vibrance to every part of the stage and he does an outstanding job of being over the top without being unnecessary. Sue Blane's costumes are suitably glittery  and indulgent, whilst, Nathan M Wright's choreography delivers punch after punch to accompany the high octane score.

Christopher Luscombe has directed a highly fun production with just enough space for audience interaction and all the ups and downs we expect from Rocky Horror. Whether you've seen the show before, or are a new viewer, there's no reason for you to dislike this wildly entertaining musical.

Rocky Horror runs at the New Wimbledon Theatre until 16th February before continuing its tour

Saturday 9 February 2019

Friday Night is Music Night, Queen Elizabeth Hall | Review

Friday Night is Music Night: Live From The Queen Elizabeth Hall (Concert)
Queen Elizabeth Hall, Southbank Centre
Reviewed on Friday 8th February 2019 by Olivia Mitchell 

The iconic Friday Night is Music Night, led by Ken Bruce took over the recently refurbished Queen Elizabeth Hall last night for an eclectic 2 hours of outstandingly virtuosic performances. From Shostakovich to Barry Manilow there was something for everyone and whether you were in the room or listening on the radio, you surely had a fantastic night. 

The ever wonderful BBC Concert Orchestra showcased their impressive ensemble work as they performed a variety of pieces, including highlights from West Side Story and Jurassic Park. Under the baton of Bramwell Tovey, the orchestra created magic that filled the space of Queen Elizabeth Hall with power whilst, also bringing moments of tranquility to the auditorium. A contrast, which listening back to the radio broadcast, transferred very well indeed. 

Also part of the proceedings was supremely talented cornet player, Thomas Nielson who was awarded the 2018 BBC Young Brass Award. With the talent and stage presence of someone much older, Thomas showed just how versatile the cornet can be with his renditions of Napoli and Someone to Watch Over Me. With highly impressive breath control, a wonderful aura and bucket loads of talent, there's no doubt that Thomas will be highly successful in the music scene.

Gary Wilmott and Sarah Fox contributed even more beautiful performances. Gary opened with the tongue-twister Ya Got Trouble from The Music Man which showed his impressive linguistic skills. Wilmott's strong vocals were showcased more in Billy's Soliloquy (Carousel) which built to a powerful and emotive ending that had the audience in instantaneous applause. Song To The Moon was the perfect piece to highlight Sarah's strong soprano voice and provided a lovely contrast to the other pieces in the programme. Cleverly transitioning from a story which inspired a Disney film, to a Mary Poppin's number from a Disney film, the night flowed very well and shone light on the versatility of all the performers.

Joyous performances made for a really magical and highly entertaining night at the Queen Elizabeth Hall. Although for most people, every night is music night, there's something special about being part of such an iconic BBC feature; and when it's as well performed as last night, you can't really go wrong.

Friday Night is Music Night is available for catch up here