Wednesday 27 March 2019

Calendar Girls (UK Tour), New Victoria Theatre | Review

Calendar Girls (UK Tour)
New Victoria Theatre 
Reviewed on Tuesday 26th March 2019 by Melanie Mitchell 

Calendar Girls the Musical is based on the true story of a close-knit Yorkshire village. In 1998, Ladies of the local Women's Institute, rally to help one of their members when her beloved husband suddenly dies. They decide to raise money in his memory for the Leukaemia Research Fund by posing naked in a Pirelli style calendar and selling copies.

The story was subsequently made into a film in 2003 and then a stage play in 2008, both written by Tim Firth. Tim spent 5 years in collaboration with Gary Barlow to produce this brilliant musical. The story has been changed quite a lot from the original, but the basic premise remains the same. The musical looks at the whole gamut of human relationships and emotions with fantastic humour, pathos and poignancy, accompanied by an excellent musical score.

The characters are perfectly cast with amazingly strong performances by all. Anna-Jane Casey who plays Annie and Rebecca Storm as Chris are outstanding, both having superb voices. Fern Britten is fabulous as Marie the leader of the WI, desperate to stick to the old traditional values whilst being a terrible snob and social climber. Denise Welch is perfect as Celia, the brash, brassy and blousy ex air hostess trying to button up to fit in with the community. The show contains some of the funniest laugh out loud one liners I have ever heard, many delivered with perfect comedic timing by Karen Dunbar as Cora. Sara Crowe is hilarious as the ever helpful, slightly tragic Ruth. The younger actors, Isabel Caswell, Tyler Dobbs and Danny Howker add another dimension, which brings freshness and fun to the production.

Robert Jones' set and costume design are both fairly simple but completely in keeping with the themes and characters. In the first scene you are totally transported to the Yorkshire dales and subsequently to the village hall and green.

This is a heart-warming, totally British feel-good show, uplifting (in more ways than one), and something that almost everybody can relate to in some way or another.

For a really positive feel good evening at the theatre, suitable for all ages, I urge everyone to go and see this wonderful production.

Calendar Girls runs at the New Victoria Theatre until 29th march 2019

Romeo and Juliet, Royal Opera House | Review

Romeo and Juliet
Royal Opera House 
Reviewed on Tuesday 26th March 2019 by Olivia Mitchell 

Romeo and Juliet is arguably Shakespeare's most well known play and a regular feature in the Royal Opera House programming, having been performed by The Royal Ballet more than 400 times since its Covent Garden premiere in 1965. This season beautifully revives Kenneth MacMillan's dramatic monument in a smooth and moving way, with a number of Company debuts making it feel fresh even after all these years. 

In the title roles, Matthew Ball and Lauren Cuthbertson are a match made in heaven as they bounce off of one another, in their sweetly romantic choreography which showcases young love (and obsession) especially well. The tension as they build to their first kiss is palpable. Romeo lifts his Juliet onto pointe as they kiss and creates a very calm and heartwarming moment before the fast paced drama of the next two acts. Ball and Cuthbertson are masters of their craft and give performances which completely justify their successes. 

Act One drags a little but the pageantry from the offset is marvellous. The sword fights are choreographed memorably and sharply and stand out against Nicholas Georgiadis' set as they fill the vast stage. The contrast between the intimate pas de duex and large scale ensemble numbers does well to bring variety and allows moments of extreme action as opposed to storytelling alone. A particular stand out is certainly  Marcelino Sambe who leads the mandolin dance perfectly and creates a buzz as the audience are drawn in by his fantastic technique and performance skills. Itziar Mendizabal also shines as she brings brief moments of humour and light to the three harlots who appear throughout. 

The melodrama is prevalent, with Mercutio's death (Valentino Zucchetti) and Lady Capulet's break down providing emotionally impactful moments. Mime is used perfectly by the pair as well as by Cuthbertson who acts beautifully throughout. 

Brief moments where dancers fell out of time are noticeable but do little to detract from the story and flow. Whilst MacMillan's choreography does everything it should, there are times when it feels too much is being done in too little time, and there isn't a second to really appreciate the intricacies of the basics. The musicality of movements feels undervalued in comparison with storytelling.  

MacMillan's telling really puts Juliet at the heart of the story which brings a fragility and power that makes it so special. A wonderfully danced and highly luxurious production, Romeo and Juliet is sure to delight audiences.

Romeo and Juliet runs at the Royal Opera House until 11th June 2019 and will also be screened at cinemas on the 11th.

photo credit: Helen Maybanks

Friday 22 March 2019

Vision of You: Live with Rob Fowler and Sharon Sexton, Key Theatre | Review

Vision of You: Live
Key Theatre, Peterborough
Reviewed on Tuesday 19th March 2019 by Olivia Mitchell 

Since the closing of Bat Out of Hell, fans of the show have been able to keep their love and involvement alive through Rob Fowler and Sharon Sexton's album Vision of You which charts the backstory of their characters Falco and Sloane. Accompanying the album, the pair have been on a mini tour around the country where they welcomed fans into the Falco Family and provided some absolutely outstanding vocals while they did it.

The final stop on the tour (for now) took Vision of You back to where Rob first performed, Peterborough where a home crowd joined with those from out of town to create a wonderful atmosphere and a real celebration of the music and the performers. A mixture of a concert and a musical, this version of Vision of You used the basic skeleton of the previous ones and added to it to create a complete extravaganza of a show. Once again, Erin Ong (who travelled from America to be part of the final show!) provided her lovely artwork which was projected above the characters to create an almost comic book feeling and embellish the story that was being told. 

Rob and Sharon performed most of the songs from their album, as well as some extras, with the heart, vocals and chemistry that they are so loved for and took the audience on a journey through the eyes of their characters very well. What made this show extra special, was the involvement of Raven and Strat aka the crazy talented Georgia Carling and Simon Gordon, who performed solos, duets and group numbers to perfection. Also joining the gang were the young KYT performers who gave spirited performances and brought The Lost to life. Accompanied by Steve Corley and his distinguished band, each number was a powerhouse moment and a true celebration of the superbly talented performers on stage. 

Opening with 'Falling Slowly' and closing with 'The Show Must Go On' really sums up how versatile all the performers on stage are; from the hugely upbeat numbers to the more intimate and delicate numbers, there was never a moment which fell flat or felt under emoted. Both Rob and Sharon's voices are raw and expressive but manage to maintain complete control throughout. Especially impressive were Sharon's heartfelt renditions of 'Delight' and 'The Man with the Child in his Eyes' which brought a stillness to the room that was hauntingly beautiful. Rob gave a comedic performance of 'A Miracle Would Happen' as well as his signature rock tones in the epic 'What You Own' where he was also joined by Simon Gordon

Simon's voice is beyond beautiful and he showcased it effortlessly with each number he was a part of. His performance of 'Bat Out of Hell' illustrated exactly why he was cast in the role of Strat and gave us a chance to hear and see him shine without the lighting and effects that were prevalent in Bat Out of Hell. If this evening was anything to go by, I'm convinced Simon could probably make a shopping list sound exquisite. Aside from Simon's performance, this semi stripped back rendition of Bat also highlighted just what a brilliant song it is.

Georgia Carling's voice complemented Simon's fantastically in their duets, 'For Crying Out Loud' and 'High Enough', as well as shining in her solo and group moments. 'Taking Chances' is a belter of a song and Georgia tackled it with ease as she gave a vocally faultless and completely first-rate performance. After gaining many fans from her performances as Raven and Valkyrie in Bat Out of Hell, there's no doubt that Georgia will continue wowing with her superb talents. 

Vision of You was a night of extremely well done storytelling and singing. Seeing how much Bat Out of Hell means to Sharon and Rob is really moving and I'm sure this isn't the last we'll hear of Falco and Sloane. The stellar performances, well done lighting, outstanding band, skillful projections and great atmosphere made this a fabulous night and a perfect farewell-for-now to Vision of You

Follow Sharon and Rob for updates on future performances during their #FindingTheFalcos journey

photo credit: Bat Loaf

Tuesday 19 March 2019

Dirty Dancing (UK Tour), New Victoria Theatre | Review

Dirty Dancing (UK Tour)
New Victoria Theatre
Reviewed on Monday 18th March 2019 by Kay Adams

Dirty Dancing is not just a show about a love affair against the odds, or an early 60s period piece. Its continued popularity over the past 31 years is just as much due to tackling issues of class, family, loyalty, and right and wrong head on. It’s a coming-of-age story par excellence, acknowledged in Johnny’s introduction of Baby to everyone at Kellerman’s on the last night of the season. 

So, if you are in the minority of people who haven’t actually seen the iconic film all those years ago – It’s the summer of 1963 and 17 year old Frances ‘Baby’ Houseman is about to learn some major lessons in life as well as a thing or two about dancing. On holiday in New York’s Catskill Mountains with her older sister and parents she shows little interest in the resort activities and instead discovers her own entertainment when she stumbles across an all-night dance party at the staff quarters. Mesmerised by the raunchy dance moves (and there are those aplenty in this stage production too), Baby can’t wait to be part of the scene, especially when she catches sight of Johnny Castle the resort dance instructor. Her life is about to change forever as she is thrown in at the deep end as Johnny’s leading lady both on-stage and off; as two fiercely independent young spirits from different worlds come together in what will be the most challenging and triumphant summer of their lives. 

Whether you know the story or not, this wonderful production, written by Eleanor Bergstein and directed by Federico Bellone, will captivate you from start to finish. Many favourite original masters feature within this stage sensation which blends the movie soundtrack seamlessly with this live performance. 

The quality of the dancing is phenomenal, with enigmatic dance numbers and sensual moments throughout. The scenery and special effects, especially the campfire and water scenes, were beautifully crafted. The audience were used at one point as part of ‘Kellerman’s’ entertainment as the scenes were seamlessly changed. 

This production gets a 5 star review from me – a night to remember – and remember “Nobody puts Baby in the corner”

Dirty Dancing runs at the New Victoria Theatre 23rd March 2019

Sunday 17 March 2019

Passion vs Obsession in the Theatre Community

As someone who feels things very strongly, I often find myself fixated on certain topics or hobbies, in the way that when I enjoy something, I will focus my attention on it as a means to make myself more knowledgable about it/better at it. In any creative industry, emotions are heightened already and in theatre especially, it's almost natural that trends occur and passions become prevalent. However, the line between being passionate and obsessive can sometimes become wavy or unclear and there can be an almost scary intensity with which people feel.

Let me start by saying that I think being passionate is fantastic. Having something you can enjoy, relate to and immerse yourself in is truly joyous and caring so much about something can really fill your life. The issue however, is when this passion becomes too much and begins controlling your life, rather than enriching it. 

As someone who attends the theatre an average of three times a week, there are many times where I become completely enclosed in the theatre bubble and almost forget that there's a world outside the stagey community. In terms of my life at this time, it isn't a problem as such because the majority of my friends are in the same circles and I have a pretty well-rounded life with and without theatre. When I was younger this was a different story though... 

I have always been a theatre fanatic, from when I saw my first musical (Beauty and the Beast at the New Victoria Theatre) I was hooked and haven't looked back since. Like many theatre people, I went through a Wicked phase... like, really went through it. I would listen to it 24/7, create artwork, research the performers, perform it, get my friends to perform it, basically I was obsessed. Whilst I don't regret this phase in my life at all because I was super young and it was something I enjoyed, I do see it in a different way. I was living my best life, but at that time, I was not surrounded by theatre loving people which meant whilst I was in the theatre bubble, I was alone. This is where one problem with crossing from passion to obsession comes into play. By focussing 95% of your attention on something your peers can't relate to, you do face the trial of isolating yourself. There may be an online community alongside you, but in the real, non-virtual world, it's just you. 

the peak Wicked days 

However, as I said, during my Wicked (and subsequent Les Mis) phases, I was young and this outlook certainly comes with age. The issue with obsession is when it continues into adult life. Barely a day goes by when a West End performer doesn't have to call someone out for overstepping boundaries. A video recently circulated showing a girl  publicly hating on a performer and explaining how she has no qualms about verbally abusing those she doesn't like; whilst a number of high profile West End people regularly have to reign people in on their instagrams and twitters for overstepping. 
So when does passion reach a dangerous level?

Obviously it doesn't take a brain scientist to answer this. People overstep when they try and integrate themselves into the lives of the performers they admire. Be it trying to become their friend, burdening them with their problems or just contacting them constantly. Boundaries have always been an issue in the film and television industry but with the ever developing rise of social media, way West End actors are reaching higher profiles, and the way it's so easy to access a theatre performer compared to a screen actor, means it's a problem which seems to be rapidly seeping into the theatre community and is actually doing a lot of damage. 

There's also the aspect of fans often being drawn to, or purposely attaching themselves to unknowns/swings/understudies and 'lesser' cast members (not that anyone is less worthy or talented but you get the gist). It's almost as if people feel they'll be more likely to form a bond with someone who not everyone is trying to chat to. The idea of someone being less well known so therefore easier to, for lack of a better word, target, just feels wrong. Absolutely support the entire cast, crew and team but don't use someone just to validate yourself and feel closer to a show than you are in reality.

Most performers are nice people and they're not going to out you for these things because it would be an awkward conversation to have, but just because you have a nice stage door experience, or because you get friendly at the theatre with them, remember that it's all within the theatre bubble. 

Now I completely understand putting energy into theatre because it is, after all an escape and I'm definitely guilty of investing my emotional wellbeing into a show, however, not in terms bringing the actors on stage into that. As human beings, the performers of course do care about the people they talk to and I'm sure take a genuine interest in what they're being told, but at the end of the day, someone at stage door who is not actually a friend, is never going to care as much about you as you care about them so it's not fair to expect them to shoulder your issues. 

I know this is all pretty much common sense, and I'm not trying to be preachy about boundaries, but for the few people who may read this and recognise some of the obsessive actions in their own lives, perhaps this can act as a gentle reminder that theatre itself is all an act, and the people who put it on, have very real, very personal lives outside of what you see on stage/social media. Of course be supportive and engaging, and be passionate, but keep in mind that there's a world outside theatre. Your life is there to be filled with as many things to make you happy as possible, but so are the people's who you admire and they pick what they fill it with, so don't use all your energy trying to make yourself an integral part of it off stage. Live your life, love shows and support actors, just keep it chill sometimes, and if you really have a lot to say, keep it to your whatsapp chats.

I hope this doesn't come across as overly negative because I really do admire people who love theatre and I so relate, but continual drama clearly means some people are unable to isolate the real from the stage so I wanted to throw my two pence in! Stay stagey!

Thursday 14 March 2019

Madagascar the Musical (UK Tour), New Victoria Theatre | Review

Madagascar the Musical (UK Tour)
New Victoria Theatre 

Reviewed on Tuesday 12th March 2019 by Glenys Balchin


Madagascar the Musical was a perfect family night out, full of fun for the young audience as they tapped, cheered and danced their way through the story, against the backdrop of a damp and drizzly night outside the New Victoria Theatre. It has to be said, that many of the adults accompanying their young charges were enjoying the performance of the energetic cast just as much; with the cast bringing alive the animal inhabitants of New York Zoo and the story of their escape into the wilds of Madagascar.

Having seen other Dreamwork productions: The Lion King and Shrek on both film & stage, I was not sure what to expect of Madagascar and unfortunately for me this did not reach the same pinnacle as the others.  This was due to lack lustre look of some the main character costumes as well as having pre-recorded music rather than a live band. 

The puppetry was well executed and the presence of a human controlling them soon disappeared and captured the spirit of your imagination. A stand out for me was Melman the Giraffe, whose  characterisation by Jamie -Lee Morgan was thoroughly enjoyable and he delivered an excellent performance.

Although, the show was packed full of songs, none of them were very memorable. However, the dancing and abundance of energy displayed by all the cast members did not go unnoticed and I enjoyed the choreography, especially the exuberant 'Move It', but on the same note it was a little bit repetitive.

The plot itself is a little thin on the ground but the uncomplicated storyline makes it easy for small children to follow and remain enthralled by plenty of packed action fun and dazzle. Act two was more animated than the first, mainly thanks to the irrepressible, vigorously imaginative artistic style of Jo Parsons playing King Julien.

A little older than many of the children at the theatre, my companion's mane attraction for seeing the show was Matt Terry, so she was a little disappointed he was not playing Alex the Lion at this performance. However, I asked her verdict about the musical and she told me that whilst she had preferred The Lion King, she thought her younger sister (9) would love Madagascar. At the mature age of 14, she enjoyed it but was too cool to get up dance in the aisles with the other children and would certainly not have been happy if I had!

Her conclusion was that it is a song filled production, that features a set  that is inventive and all flows well. She loved how the characters were portrayed, in particular the Lion and the Hippo, and she thought that the voice of Marty was the same as the Zebra in the movie.

Overall the production went down well with the younger members of the audience and many of the adults that were there. For me, it lacked soul or a pinnacle to the production, due to repetitive choreography, unmemorable songs and basic costumes, however, the cast were pretty brilliant overall.

Whilst its a three and a half out of five stars for me, I'm sure many of the small children would disagree and give it a full five stars!

photo credit: Scott Rylander