Friday 10 January 2020

Once (UK Tour), Fairfield Halls | Review

Once (UK Tour)
Fairfield Halls
Reviewed on Thursday 9th January 2020 by Olivia Mitchell 

Embarking on a UK tour, Once tells the story of Girl meeting Guy. He, is a Dublin busker on the brink of walking away from music after having his heart broken and feeling unheard in a bustling world; whilst, she is a force for change who exudes positivity from the moment their worlds collide. In the space of a few days, their lives become beautifully connected and changed forever. The musical is an evocative piece, which slowly creeps up on you to warm, break and soothe your heart in equal measures. It's a love letter to music and identity that deserves to be seen and heard.

Emma Lucia is a certified star as Girl, as she gives an assured performance, filled with warmth, vulnerability, encouragement and love. Girl is married to an unseen man who walked out on her, and has a daughter who has her heart. Lucia's incredibly truthful performance is outstanding from start to finish, as are her vocals which ring out with a clarity and strength that utterly absorbs the audience. Alongside her, Daniel Healy is perfect as Guy. His angst fuelled performance of Leave opens the show with the grit, intensity and honesty which courses through it until the end. Healy's musical performances are highly impressive as he shows exceptional vocal control.

The music is just beautiful, with so many breathtaking moments. Much of Glen Hansard and Markéta Irglová's music does not in fact move the plot along, but each piece perfectly evokes the feelings and emotions of the Dublin setting and the characters living there. The musical synchronicity between the entire cast is second to none, with every member completely connecting to one another as they tell a story about music and humanity. The exceptional ensemble work is showcased throughout, but is especially striking during the reprisal of Gold, where every breath, pause and inflection feels as though they're coming from a single body as opposed to a group of individuals. This is just one of many magical moments which make this musical so special and affecting.

Libby Watson
's set almost looks like a painting when we first see it. Staying as a pub throughout, small items are brought on to signal when the action changes location. A tool desk for the hoover shop, a microphone for the recording studio and a bed for the bedroom are just some of these details. The whole thing feels cosy, like a tale that's been handed down through generations is being told over a drink- a real hug of a show. It's really incredible how Peter Rowe has directed a production that feels so intimate despite the size of the theatre it's housed in.

Amongst the vast deep moments of the plot, there are also some extremely humourous aspects which evoke the highs and lows of everyday life excellently. Girl and Guy's friends scatter the story with moments of reality. There's Reza, confidently played by Ellen Chivers: trouser ripping Svec, (Lloyd Gorman) who is hilarious; Andrej who is the embodiment of optimism accompanied by the divine voice of James William-Pattison; and Dan Bottomley as the music shop owner who longs to feel needed. The supporting characters bring some of the most profound moments through their reactions to Guy and Girl's music. Both the bank manager (Samuel Martin) and recording engineer Eamon (Matthew Burns) start out nonchalant but are so transformed by what they hear that they completely change their views and become wholly invested. The power of music is obviously evident in every fibre of Once and it's joyous to see.

The audience can't hep but be attentive throughout as Once has the magical ability to completely wrap them up and take them on a journey that is pure and delicate. Of course this a show about music, but what's even more magical is how spectacularly the entire team make the most out of silence. Each pause feels completely natural but intentional at once as an atmosphere like no other is formed. This is a complete delight of a musical that must be experienced. It's not jazz hands and drama, but instead, is melancholic, unashamedly romantic and wholeheartedly wonderful.

Details about the Once Tour can be found here

photo credit: Mark Senior

Tuesday 31 December 2019

Olivia's Top Shows of 2019

This year I saw 150 shows, from glitzy West End productions to smaller fringe pieces and many UK tours. Before we step into the new decade, I want to feature some of my favourite pieces of the year and those which have stuck with me in some way.

Dolly Parton has been a family favourite growing up so this musical ticks all the boxes for me. 9 to 5 is a catchy, colourful celebration of girl power. With another tour planned for next year, this show is sure to delight audiences in 2020 and beyond.

Six featured in last year's Top 10 list, but having seen it a few times this year, I thought it warranted a place once again. The fantastically, feminist musical is pure joy on stage and a complete treat. Enthralling audiences around the world with its pop/musical theatre crossover sound and the heart which is retained in all its incarnations, Six's world domination is only just beginning. 

I mentioned the Broadway production of Come From Away last year, but 2019 saw the triumphant West End transfer of this show which is completely spectacular and special beyond compare. Telling the heartfelt story of the unity formed in a small village in Canada during the traumas of 9/11, the Celtic sounds and complete ensemble feel of the piece make it effective and oh so powerful.

Performed by members of the British Theatre Academy (BTA), the young cast transported audiences on a mystical journey of love and magic. Lee Proud and Harrison Clark created a production worthy of much acclaim and showcased some of the future stars of UK theatre.

Having missed the Open Air production of Jesus Christ Superstar, I was thrilled to get the chance to see it at the Barbican and it did not disappoint. Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice's score soared thanks to the ingenious staging which made the space feel as though it was outside, and Lee Curran's lighting which made the atmosphere both electric and intimate. Amazing performances all round made this a production not to be forgotten.

Not only was it a treat to see this enchanting song cycle by Dave Malloy brought to life by such talented actor-musos, but getting to experience the new space of the Boulevard Theatre was a delight in itself. The whole space feels fresh, welcoming, modern and all in all a wonderful addition to the London theatre scene. Ghost Quartet was a wacky mish-mash, but there's something about it that was truly enchanting.

The Cher Show | Neil Simon Theatre

If you'd told me at the beginning of the year that The Cher Show would be in my top shows, not just of 2019 but ever, I doubt I would've believed you. The cast were amazing but as someone unfamiliar with Cher's music and kind of bewildered by the whole idea, I didn't expect to come out beaming after one of the best night's ever at the theatre. The biopic musical tells the story of the superstar's rise to fame via three Cher's representing different times in her life. The performances are other worldly and the humour hits all the right spots. This is the embodiment of a grand musical and I can only hope it comes to the West End sometime soon!

The Jungle | St Ann's Warehouse

This is another show I missed in London but was lucky enough to catch in New York at the incredible setting of St Ann's Warehouse in Brooklyn. This is the most striking piece of theatre I have ever witnessed, and I can't even explain how spectacular the entire production was. The community feel that was created within moments of entering the theatre is like nothing I've ever experienced and every element of theatricality was so perfectly used to highlight the stories of those on stage.

The Adam Guettal musical was on my 'To See' bucket list, so it was a complete joy to experience the sumptuous score performed by such a stellar cast this year. The story about young Clara falling in love with Fabrizio on a trip to Italy is beautiful and made me want to go to and have my own romantic holiday accompanied by a beautiful classical soundtrack.

Fiver played a brief run at the Southwark Playhouse and earned itself much praise and many fans. With a fantastic score by Alex James Ellison, the musical follows the story of a £5 note and how it's value changes in the hands of various people. This was a completely unexpected treat of a show which completely enraptured me and left me feeling joyous, thanks to the wonderful mix of musical styles and fantastic array of stories involved. The superb cast of five gave everything and made it a real gem of a piece. A delightful musical, lets hope we see more of Fiver in the future.

Friday 13 December 2019

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Pantomime), Richmond Theatre | Review

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Panto)
Richmond Theatre 
Reviewed on Thursday 12th December 2019 by Nicola Louise

It seems like yesterday I was sent to review my first pantomime, but here we are again a year later. This time its Snow White at Richmond Theatre where the stars are big and -evident from the multitude of advertising and glitzy theatrical splendour- so is the budget!

We all know the story of Show White and how she was ordered to die at the hands of her evil stepmother; and this story is no different even if it does start a little unusually. Prince Harry arrives at the palace where Snow White is due to celebrate her 21st birthday, as childhood sweethearts they’re drawn to each other once again after having been apart for so long.

James Darch is great as the charming Prince Harry, with a pantomime hero look about him. Mia Starbuck is as sweet as Snow White can be, with her flowing black hair and porcelain skin she glows with beauty and shines when she sings. Panto’s by nature are a bit cheesy, especially with the panto prince, however, this isn't the case with Richmond’s production. Both Snow and Harry are not your typical panto hero’s, some may say this won’t do but as a lover of panto’s for many years, I felt this gives it an edge above the others.

Jason Sutton as the dame is as funny as ever, along with John Clegg  as played Muddles, the son. The pair are a great double act who bounce off each other with chemistry that sparks on stage.

Some may remember Clegg from Britain’s Got Talent where he wow’d audiences with his talent for impressions and it isn’t hard to see why. Clegg's rendition of ‘You’ve Got a Friend in Me’ where he portrays a range of different characters is something I did not expect, and is an excellent moment in the production.

Each year Richmond has a big name to draw people in to it's festive offering, this year its Jo Brand as the evil Queen Lucretia. As funny as she is, her incredibly dry humour often feel misplaced within the tone of this panto. However, Brand's ‘I don’t care’ attitude brings something new to the show and is certainly entertaining. The director and producers have clearly worked around Brand's lack of singing talent and focused more on her wit, a stellar choice on their part.

Like all Pantos, there's a mish mash of popular music, in this case Ed Sheeran amongst others. Some songs seem out of place and a bit cliché, as if the writers are trying to reach out to the teenagers in the crowd, so to say ‘look, we’re hip as well’.

With a talented bunch of actors and great performances from the 7 men who portrayed the Dwarfs, (this year Richmond opted for tall actors rather than go for actual Dwarfs), this show protrudes enough sweetness and glitter than you can shake a stick at.

Fun for all the family and even the little ones get involved at the end.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is running at Richmond Theatre until Sunday 5th January 2020

photo credit: Craig Sugden

Thursday 5 December 2019

Billionaire Boy (UK Tour), New Theatre Oxford | Review

Billionaire Boy (UK Tour)
New Theatre Oxford
Reviewed on Wednesday 4th December 2019 by Emma Gradwell

David Walliams' children’s books translate perfectly from page to stage, with Billionaire Boy being the Birmingham Stage Company’s third adaptation. The stories are naughty, gross and capture British school life to a tee.

Billionaire Boy tells us the tale of Joe Spud. The heir to the Bum Fresh fortune. He has crocodiles, a racing car and a two million pound cheque, but what he doesn’t have is something that money cannot buy.

Matthew Gordon as Joe, confidently leads a fantastic cast through this pleasing story that packs a kind message. The actors move seamlessly between characters who are all fully realised and charming. Highlights of the evening were Aosaf Afzal as the fabulous Raj, a recurring character in Walliams' books. He is the shop keeper that we all knew growing up, with hilarious sayings and antics. Also, Emma Matthews as Ms. Trafe gives a wonderful comedic performance, from her deep fried blue tac to her hip replacement that looks suspiciously like a boob job.

Jaqueline Taylor’s clever set design is made almost entirely out of toilet rolls. The different pieces open and move to reveal all sorts of scenes hidden away. Watch out for the helicopter reveal - it is impressive and an audience favourite!

Music by Jack Poore is simple and catchy. We were singing the Bum Fresh song all the way home on the train!

The Birmingham Theatre Company have taken a children’s story and made it into a sophisticated production. The audience reaction is testament to a good job done.

photo credit: Mark Douet

Thursday 28 November 2019

Rigoletto, New Victoria Theatre (Glyndebourne Tour 2019) | Review

New Victoria Theatre
Reviewed on Wednesday 27th November 2019 by Olivia Mitchell 

Surprisingly this is the first time Rigoletto has been part of Glyndebourne's rep but Christiane Lutz's radical rewrite definitely proves a welcome addition. Verdi's dramatic revenge tragedy based on Victor Hugo's play is full of emotion and provides great opportunities for stand out performances.

Rigoletto, the hunchbacked jester, seeks revenge on his employer, the Duke of Mantua for generally being a bit of a jerk, but mainly for kidnapping and seducing his daughter, whom he has protected and kept hidden for most of her life. There are disguises, storms and in the end it's Rigoletto who loses the most. 

In Lutz's production, the plot has been transferred from 16th-century Mantua to 1930s Hollywood, where a hunchback-less Rigoletto has become Charlie Chaplin and his vicious employer the Duke, is a movie director. In this version the opening scene features courtier Monterone's daughter committing suicide seemingly due to the way the Duke (encouraged by Rigoletto) took advantage of her and then tossed her aside. She leaves behind a baby daughter Gilda whom Rigoletto adopts, but not before both he and the Duke are cursed by the distraught courtier. What follows in a 17 year gap and an incestuous relationship (neither the Duke or Gilda ever find out they are in fact father and daughter), envisaged by neither Hugo or Verdi. 

Overall the changes are mostly effective but the plots feels much more complicated than necessary and it's hard to follow the various relationships, with the end of act one leaving many audience members scratching their heads. The whole added dynamic of Gilda and the Duke proves less compelling and more confusing. That's not to say this production doesn't work and the modernised setting is very effective, but some of the changes feel too dramatic to have not been resolved by the end of the opera.

However, the singers are top notch and this is an opera worth visiting purely for the drama and intensity of the score. At this performance, Nikoloz Lagvilava was unwell so the role of Rigoletto was sung by Michael Druiett and walked on stage by Jofre Carabén van der Meer. Duiett gave an outstanding vocal performance which resonated beautifully and conveyed every emotion exceptionally. Having the role acted separately was actually extremely effective, with Jofre almost taking on the role of a silent movie star against the film set background from Christian Tabakoff. This added a new element to the opera and in a way, let Gilda shine throughout. 

As Gilda, Vuvu Mpofu achieves great success in her vulnerable performance and her top register soars elegantly. Matteo Lippi's resilient Duke is surprisingly charismatic despite his flawed personality and is entertaining throughout.

Despite being somewhat hard to follow, this is a strong production with great theatrical elements, that are entertaining and superbly performed.

Tuesday 26 November 2019

White Christmas the Musical, Dominion Theatre | Review

White Christmas the Musical
Dominion Theatre
Reviewed on Monday 25th November 2019 by Olivia Mitchell 

Seen last Christmas at the Leicester Curve Theatre, Nikolai Foster's exceptionally staged and completely charismatic production of White Christmas has taken it's place in the West End for a Christmas of festivities and theatrical joy.

Based on the 1954 film starring Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney and Vera Ellen, the musical follows the stories of two former World War II American soldiers who became a famous musical duo. The pair use their fame to join forces with Judy and Betty to save a holiday inn from financial ruin and spread cheer all around.

The embodiment of glamour from start to finish, this musical whisks you away and takes you to a wintery wonderland where lullabies and tap dances reign supreme. The audience are enthralled thanks to the intimate feeling which is somehow created in the vast cavern of the Dominion Theatre. 

The story is nothing special and there's really very little of it but there's a level of characterisation which runs deep throughout and makes the audience really care about the action and people on stage and brings a contemporary feel to an otherwise un-relatable musical. For example, Martha, Judy and Betty sing 'Falling Out of Love Can Be Fun' which highlights their desire to not being completely reliant on men. In another vein, the vulnerability of Bob (Danny Mac) is shown thoughtfully and delicately. Whilst at first he appears distant and uncaring, it soon becomes clear that he is struggling to rejoin civilian life. These human characteristics are realistically brought to stage with great effect. 

The cast of all round triple threats provide enough energetic festive cheer to power all the Christmas lights in London. Clare Halse is a theatrical treasure as she draws the eye every moment she's on stage and is the epitome of Hollywood glamour. Her performance is faultless as she glides around and radiates excellence. Halse also gives a dazzling tap performance of 'I Love a Piano' alongside Dan Burton and the ensemble. Burton as Phil is equal measures charm and sleaze as well as giving top top top notch vocals and choreographic quality. Danny Mac once again gives a faultless performance and has a great love/hate chemistry with Danielle Hope as Betty. Their blossoming romance is lovely to watch just another level of sweetness in this candy-cane-sugary musical.

Michael Brandon is commanding but vulnerable as General Henry Waverly, whilst, Brenda Edwards is a compelling force of comedic nature as Martha and provides a real show stopping moment with 'Let Me Sing and I'm Happy'. The ensemble are unanimously joyous and captivating throughout, with Aimée Hodnett and Kayleigh Thadani giving stand out performances as the ditzy, amorous Rhoda and Rita.

This is a visually exquisite musical which is the embodiment of production value. Diego Pitarch's sumptuous costumes not only look beautiful on their own, but float and flow divinely as part of Stephen Mear's choreography which is elegance and style wrapped up with a bow. The post-war era is brought to life glitteringly, as is the music of Irving Berlin which soars and fills the Dominion.

It's not about the story and of course there are faults as with many classic films but this is an utterly lavish production which will fill even the Grinch's heart with Christmas cheer. 

photo credit: Johan Persson